OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

^ lol so where are we again, last place? :bloated:

its one game. they didnt have their legs under them so they got sloppy. too many games in too few days. thats all. :gotme:

dont jump off the bandwagon just yet :wink:

hmmm i never heard of anyone giving up on the best team in the whole entire NHL:bloated:

Cant win em all buddy. We just have a thing where shitty teams like ottowa and philly are beating us for the most part. Mind you i think were playing 17 games in 30 days or something like that. Every other day is a game so its leaving not that much time for rest. when these boys have fresh legs they can play. We seem to be very tired.

were still two points up and one game behind the second best team in the whole league. we have never lost two in a row and were still the onloy team in the league to be undefeated on the roadā€¦

lol to be fair, Ottawa played the same number of games in the same number of night. They also just came back from an away game in NJ i thinkā€¦

The Sabres problems come from the PP/PKā€¦they are not capitalizing on their PPs liek they should, they are getting very sloppy and not taking quality chances. I am sure Lindy is going to be chaning this up. The other problem is not so much the PKers, just the fact that they spend too much time on the ice. There were some questionable calls at times, but commit a penalty once and you better believe the refs will be looking closely to see if itā€™ll happen again and will be ready to blow the whistle on those close calls.

We defintily need Lydman backā€¦running 2 pairs of defensemen all night is why we have allowed 4 goals in the past 4-5 games not including the Pitt gameā€¦

It is damn early in the season to be worried, once everyone is healthy it is over.

I agree I did not like the way Novotny was playing, and Stafford for that matter either. He looked very shaky and unsure of himself, giving the puck away in our own zone several times. Still dont like the way we play in our end either, gets very sloppy and the puck isnā€™t coming out fast enoughā€¦all things lindy will work on!

This was the first night that I saw Stafford look like an AHL player. The whole team played bad, but he had a TON of turnovers.

Ottawa had the same hectic schedule the Sabres did, their plane landed the same time the Sabres did. The difference was Ottawa is a team at the bottom, with a goaltending change that engerized them, and they really had something to fight for.

The Sabres on the other hand are sitting on the top and just didnā€™t have the motivation to dig a little deeper and find the energy Ottawa had last night. They got lazy, which got them in penalty trouble, which drains even more energy from an already depleted defence.

Oh well, canā€™t win them all. Sleep in today, be ready for Monday.

BTWā€¦ what the hell was up with Max in the 3rd, when he was running around just hitting anyone that went near him. Did I miss a cheap shot they took against him or was he just frustrated with how the team was playing?

You should take a lesson in Sarcasm and Reading Comprehension of said sarcasm :stuck_out_tongue:

yea thats tru we deff were tired from the penquins , but idk i was just dissapointed with it , i aint jumpin off the bandwagon lol ill be watching these guys till then end like i always have.

yeah man the penquins wore us out i think. they got that young guy cosby and malcolm so im sure it tired the sabers out for last nights gameā€¦donā€™t worry weā€™ll get em next time!!! SABERS for the STALEY CUP baby WOOOHOOO!!! :tup:

:slit wrists:

i think comments about this being an away game right after a home game and haveing a somewhat hectic schedule holds SOME weight. but the thing is it wont be the only time we have a hectic schedule, and it wont be the only time we have an away game the night after a home game. i unfortunately was not able to see the game, but if we ooked tired then i think we need some conditioning. there is no excuse for not skating against this team who was the only other loss you had thus far this season.

then again it could have just been an off night because lindy is known not to let his players off easy when it comes to conditioning discipline. lets see how they look mondayā€¦but i now officially hate ottowa.

has anyone been keeping an eye on the other divisions? there are some really strong teams this year.

If someone signs a post ā€˜Fairweather Fanā€™ I think they might be trying to make a point.


hooorayyyyyyyy for tomorrow!!!

Ottawa has the potential to become the same beast they were last year. They are just having some issues right now and I expect them to start tearing it up, likeā€¦now.

The Sabs just played like they were tired. And how could they NOT be? Card has only been seeing like 1 minute/game and Funk played for the first time and got very little ice time- The D is pretty beat. Stafford did have quite a few turnovers, but his aggressiveness is exciting. I thought he actually looked pretty comfortable when he had the puck. Like he wanted it every time he had it.

Bottom line: Sabres were tired, it was another tough road game, they are lacking some key players still, IT WAS ONLY 1 GAME, Miller played amazingly and that Kelly guy on ottawa is uglier than Brindamour.

Iā€™m looking forward to a big rebound against Tampa tonight!

bump for game yay


st.louisā€™s house is right down the street from meā€¦im gonna go shit on his doorstep

that was a crappy goal, oh wellā€¦we should get it back

How was the goal crappy? It was a fucking awesome deflection by St. Louis.

Iā€™ve been meaning to pick him up on my fantasy team too. Damnit.






Being reviewedā€¦i dont see what there is to review, it was clearly a goal

yea it was