OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

How the FUCK does Mair get punched in the back of the head and get a double minor, and the guy who hit him gets nothing???

The refs have been fairly poor tonight, but this is just fucking ridiculous.

That call was total BS, i cannot beleive that guy didnt get a penalty for punching Mair in the back of the head…

Marty flashing the glove on Malkin!!!


Stupid Crosby…

Open net!@

Kotalik into the empty net, game over, drive home safe Pens.

Another exciting game :D, mark another one in the W column :slight_smile:

burying ourselves in penalties

u got that right

They’re playing stupid. The bodies are there but their minds are somewhere else. I know part of it is the lack of Lydman and Tallinder on defense but I’m seeing stupid plays be guys who usually don’t make these kinds of mistakes.

A perfect example… SHOOT THE PUCK!!!

we got extremely lucky to get our only goal it should be 4-0 sens

Not entirely… Ottawa made a stupid play and Max jumped on it. The break away goal for Ottawa was the same thing… one of many stupid mistakes by the sabres and they capitalized on it.

That’s it…I am giving up on this team…they stink…Miller blows…bring back Biron


Fairweather Fan

glad i fell asleep during the 1st period :tup:

You know me… I’m not given up on the Sabres… NEVER! It just makes me a little mad to know that they’re so much better than this. The Sabres shouldn’t have any real issue with Ottawa despite Heatly, Spezza, etc.

3 games in 4 days, plus down 2 key defenseman and one forward is hurting. Please come back soon Toni Lydman…

Wish I had too :lol:

its all good, we need losses like this as the occasional wake up call that we ve gotta play at the top of our game to keep winning like we have been :gotme:

yea but do we have to lose to the last place team 2x in a row

That sucks cause that’s the only period we showed up.

well it was a disappointing loss. They just didn’t look like they had any gas in the tank tonight, a lot of missed plays/bad plays, but it comes with the 3 games in 4 days and down on key players. They’ll bounce back soon enough, its just one loss :wink:

Miller did an amazing job considering he came back from an injury i dont blame him for the loss @ all hes the only player who was alive ,I think everyone on the team forgot how to play besides him and afinogenov. I think novotiny played like garbage and has been all season he got like 2 penalties in that game one in which im pos. they scored on, Hes useless to our team and does nothing.We really need to stop losing to such a shitty team, last night was just embarrassing. We have good goal tending but our defense and offense need to wake the fuck up.