~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~


HD hockey ftw

No, you’re WRONG. You assume that the guy they put in to replace Teppo is going to fill in the same amount of ice time. In this case, Janik played barely over 4 minutes the entire game. That means the other defense players were double shifted, which means even though it was the same number of players dressed, some of them were much more tired by the end of the game.

So we’ve got Janik who plays next to no ice time, and Fitzpatrick who plays more but can’t hold a puck in the zone from the point to save his life. So I’ll stand by my previous statement… getting healthy on defense would REALLY help this team.

the play was good, but it was far from clean. imagine instead of just knocking the puck out of the crease he shot it over the glass too. well that’s a delay of game penalty. knocking your net off in the defensive zone HAS always been a delay of game penalty. it is no different.

Yeah, I agree with you 100%.

The way that he worded it makes it sound like he doesn’t understand NHL rosters, but if thats what he meant, then I would agree with that.

except they don’t issue penalty’s unless it’s an intentional disruption of the goal. His intentions were clear, he hit the puck before the net, and it was coming out. Had he not hit the puck and net was knocked off, then I would be going nuts right now and would agree with you.

i did, and i was quite serious about it

however a split on the road is acceptable…but this will also be the first series buffalo doesnt start up 2-0 in :ohnoes:

ok you got me. i meant to say a legitimate shot at a sweep (there was none). as much as i love the sabres theres no way we are going to sweep the 3rd round. i’m still liking us in 6 though.

Anyone else going to the game tomorrow?

I have two tickets left and I will sell them for $375 for both.

i think thats obvious now :wink:

if team teppo is back tomorrow, sabres in 5
if hes back on friday, sabres in 6

I wish Connolly was going to be back tomorrow. It isn’t looking good. He hasn’t skated yet.

connollys career isnt looking too hot right now…him coming back for the playoffs is the least of my worries…

It’s a shame to… his season was amazing for him… the concussion thing will end it quickly. Can anyone say Pat Lafontane? He’s not quite with it anymore because of his concussions.


Thought this was kind of neat…


This is a list of players who have played at least one game for the Buffalo Sabres of the National Hockey League (NHL) from the 1970-71 NHL season to present.

jdmr2 in case you didn’t know…your not sweeet

where the fuck did that come from

dude i love you, chill

lol wtf

Im prettty psyched but the problem is that our boss promised us tickets to sit in the company box but still hasnt given them to us or told us which game we are going to…

lol you guys are funny

this just in… the ducks blow (if anyone caught the game last night) :stuck_out_tongue:

just shows a team can’t ride a hot goalie forever
