~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~


I love our team. Should be another fun year.

The sabres played one hell of a game last night. They did everything they were supposed to do, except scoring goals.

The canes kept pressure on the right guys, and ward was on fire last night, and the night before. He should be the mvp for that team.

The young defensemen really stepped up, and that Pasche (is that how it was spelled) kid was friggen phenominal. He was everywhere, kept control of the puck,a nd played an amazing game.

Sux that we lost, especially after the performance that they gave, but what are you going to do. Being down 5 key players, including 2/3 of your starting defense will deffinately swing a game. I have nothing but respect for the team, I do not fault them for the loss at all.

I am greatly looking forward to next year. This should be a fun year :slight_smile:

i can’t wait till next season…we can only get better :slight_smile:


How long can they keep all of these guys?
I hate to say it but I think the team may lose some key players.
When a team gets such good results they need lots of money to keep the team together.

Well, a lot of our kids are young, so I doubt they’re near free agency yet. McKee will probably get some more money, but I think Golisano will step up and pay him. Drury and Numinnen… not sure. Both are getting older, so I’m sure they’ll want to be with a team that has a shot at the cup. Not sure how many more chances they’ll get, so if we keep this team together I think they’d stay.

Golisano kept talking about how this was a good investment. Time to make sure the guys get paid enough to keep the team together then.

We will have basically the same team next year. We need to address the defense in my opinion. Numinnen may retire. Hopefully not but you never know. I think we can keep most of these guys.

yeah, really the only two I would think will be gone will be teppo and marty. I think jay has shown he can get it done - he better be back. :tup:

Carrabu Fuckers vs. Pig Fuckers…Stanley Cup '06


man… what a let down. Like ya’ll said… next season.

ot/ I was told that I got so drunk that I started a fight with a sign last night :wtf:

This may be old news but my brother told me that Biron could not sit with the team on the bench.
He is a good cheerleader for the team and he couldn’t sit with them!
Who designs a new arena that won’t fit a hockey team!?!?
That is total BS if you ask me.
I want to know if Carolina’s team fits on their bench or is it just the visiting team that gets screwed!!!

Biron had to sit with the God Damn Zamboni!!!

As far as i know we will pretty much ahve the same team next year. at least 1/4 of the team were rookies, so they will stay. the others:

McKee - Free agent next year, but has played his entire career here, and i am pretty sure that galisano will step up and pay him to stay. If he doesnt he is a fool.

Grier - The token black man of the team is a free agent, but i do not see them splitting drury and grier up. Grier was a deciding factor in most games, and to see him go would be a loss, I expect him back next year.

Biron - on contract for one more year, and even though he isnt playing much, i dont see a trade coming.

People i would like the sabres to take a hard look at:

Pasche - jesus that kid stepped up into big shoes, and filled them great in game 7. That kid is gonna be a star. With 50 pts at defense in rochester, how can you not pull him up as a journeyman next year. I think he would play great in the nhl as a regular starter.

Janik - Yes he sucked in some of the first games, but with the injuries plaguing us he had big shoes to fill. Witha goal in game 7 and one hell of a game, I think he will deffinately be looked at hard next year.

that chant started at the bar within 1 min of the end of the game

Have you ever even been to the Raleigh/ Durham area?

Everyone there cares about college sports. (UNC, NC state, Duke, Wake Forest) Pro sports there is like college sports in Buffalo. Move the team to Charlotte and every game in this series would have been sold out, in advance.

There are plenty of Rednecks in NC, but not in the raleigh area.

you will see biron traded at the draft this summer…the sabres wont keep a #2 goalie when making over 2 mill a year


Finally got to a computer to comment about the game, they played tough, the sabres all had hard earned goals. Sad to see the season end but holy shit was it a great one or what? Who will i cheer for ? Edmonton because i think they are the better team and brind’amour’s comments really turned me off to carolina. That was complete bullshit, they have the coach who was complaining about game 6 like a whiney bitch. F him! Brind’amour has no fucking class.

im not sure if you’re saying that like drury never won a cup, but if you are, he did in 2001. and last i saw, buffalo was 1 period away from the cup, so i think thats a pretty good shot at the cup.

No, I know Drury got the cup with Colorado, I just mean guys like him, near the end of their career, are looking for teams that can get them to the finals, and that’s a positive for Buffalo if we keep this group together.

Brind’amour is a dick. I thought our n00b defense didn’t play too bad. Fitzpatrick made some bonehead moves, but played good last game. I think Jillson SUCKS and should stay in rochester, and “Paeche” or whatever played excellent. I also think that Janik stepped up his game and was skating decent and avoiding checks in the boards. Overall I think they played really well considering everything, and I think it would have been a different story without that bs penalty, but oh well. I hope the team stays together for what promises to be another exciting hockey season.

BS penalty? Puck over the glass in your offensive zone = a penalty. It has been all season, and it’s one of the few rules where there is no worry about the ref getting to “interpret” it.

I just told one of my coworkers to suck it up and be a man, and stop crying about penalties. They had their tries on the power play, we had ours. They scored on theirs, we sucked on ours, and it cost us the game. Not the refs fault though. The power play especially is hurt by changing guys on the blue line. They direct the traffic, and it’s entirely about being on the same page. Put a bunch of new guys out there, or tired existing guys, and the power play will suffer.

the one thing we knew before this game is we had everybody here in buffalo behind us to cheer us on… I think that’s why it hurts so much.

