~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

Still a great season. They played their asses off. It really would have been interesting if we had all our top guys.

So do you guys think we will lose alot of people during the offseason? Whos contracts are up?

Damn good season. They looked a little too conservative, but that may have been sheer exhaustion on Buffalo’s behalf.

I’m damn proud, and I will wear my Sabres t-shirt tomorrow in support of them.

And on the bright side, we’ll actually hear the truth about Tim Connoley now and we’ll know if he still has a hockey career in his future.

If we had even 2 of our defensemen in that were out (McKee and Numminen), I think this game would have gone to us. But water under the bridge, etc…

Best season of Sabres hockey that I can remember myself. The team silenced a lot of critics this year and showed yet again, that you don’t need one or two big names to make it far. Its all about team work and desire.

Can’t wait for next season!!!

not the way anyone wanted it to end but they still put on a hell of a show for us this season, can’t take that away from them! can’t wait for next year :slight_smile:

Go Edmonton…Rod Brindamour has to be the ugliest person i’ve ever seen…looks like someone pounded his face in with a shovel

great fucking season boys :tup: not upset at all!

on a side note…LET’S GO OILERS!!!

I love how everyone becomes temporary fans of the opposition to the team that knocked their favorite out lol

I am right there with ya… Lets go Oilers!!! Lets go Oilers!!!

anyone know where exactly edmonton is in canada? lol

I seriosuly think they shaved an ape and taught it to play hockey… and that’s Brind’Amour.

Do you have tivo? Did you record the game? If so, check out campbells “delay of game” penalty which lead to brindamours goal.

Other then that, it was a great game. I guess you can say that the same thing happened to us that happened to ottawa.

Im hoping edmonton ends up with the cup. Not due to bitterness, but they are a fun team to watch and I think they deserve it.

eh not much towards temp. fan… i just want to see a hockey town take the cup. Edmonton is a hell of a hockey town…crazy fans like us…games sell out quicker than shit. More than i can say for carolina…who will probably have tickets available for the finals…for $70 :stuck_out_tongue:

lol i looked it up on mapquest cuz i was curious. To get from where I live to Edmonton - it takes 36 hours. =) Road trip! :tdown:

holy balls…no wonder I have never met anyone who has gone to Edmonton lol…their rednecks probably bang moose and carrabu instead of sheep and pigs.

Carrabu Fuckers vs. Pig Fuckers…Stanley Cup '06


lol ,we got beat by the hartford whalers

The other thing that blows is the stupid orchestral song for MSG is “rock you like a hurricane” I hope they change songs next year so there is no chance of it becoming truth. sigh

yeah – i’m proud of the Sabres. They worked their assess off and I had an amazing time when I went to a playoff game. I cried when they lost tonight and just stared at the tv in shock – it just really sucks that Buffalo teams just can’t seem to win the big ones. Can’t wait till Bills season – i’ll be at almost every game but I’m hoping they will do a lot better than last year :-\

p.s. - the real hockey fans were the ones in Buffalo who made Stanley Cups as funnels… smart idea - very creative. Stay classy Buffalo fans!

I laughed when I read this and stared at the monitor in shock.

For any true sabres fan on here, not just a playoff person, you Damn well the sabres worked hard as jhell this year. Coming from a bounceback bad season 2 season ago, then almost leaving Buffalo, we did awesome, espeically with the amount of injuries. Mckee, Kalinin, Tallinder, Numminen,Connoly…we did paly well. Hurricanes…BrindAmour, Weight, Stahl, Adams, Recci, there are 3 hall of famers right there…Buffalo who ahs half the rochester team playing, only one mentioned named, Drury.TUP to the sabres for showing us what a nice franchise they are, and how well respected.

Thank you for a wonderful season Buffalo. The injuries were just to muc to overcome this time. Down 4 starting defensemen was just to much. Now people know that we are that damn good! We’ll see you again next year!

seems like fitzpatrick is always on the ice when an important goal occurs, lol. o well. and i thought Paetsch played pretty good today. he jumped in on one play and couldve scored on the play too. i think it was blocked or something, i dont remember. could very well have a bright future with us.

man… with the game the palyed, thats depressing, but whatever… i have ti do puyke in my toilet