Official Fabrication porn thread

find anything done by Agtronic Motorsports or Ron Shearer from Shearer fabrications and you could add it to this thread


Might be switching to a Shearer/Buschur FF kit next off season.

Try to weave a cap pass on MS or SS and have it come out this good:

Go ahead and try it on aluminuim now:

And make a manifold like this:

the first pass was put in with wire then he washed over it with no wire with pulse not as hard as it looks if you have a machine with pulse just time consuming ive used this method before


Not exactly. if you are faking it sure. if you are building a $4200 intake or a $25,000 baja truck chassis they are not cold washing the first pass to get the “look”, and they are not using pulse.

First pass adding filler.

Second weave adding filler at each extention of the whip.

First pass with filler on the left, 2nd pass weaved with filler added at each whip.

Jerry from Camburg dispelled that myth on RDC becasue people accused him of making “pretty welds” to sell products. When offroad trucks were beat to death, single pass narrow welds would crack and fail, when the woven 2 pass welds with about 200% the filler added in spread the load, gave a larger radius to the weld profile and lessend the stress on the joints.

Now, Marcella uses a double dab per puddle on his first or single pass’s. Adding a ton of filler each step. He also manually pulses the pedal alot; start puddle, crank up the heat dab-dab, back off move forward, floor it, dab-dab, back off move forward. While hes adding alot of material, the single passes dont look over built, definatly not enough to “wash” over them with a weave for looks, without getting undercut or too flat. While I havnt seen him say he isnt doing that… I dont see it physically showing otherwise.

i did not mean the first pass i was talking about the cover pass but on the first ss pic you can see how low the cover is and how there is slight undercut

I am totally lost with you here. None of those were stainless pics. The only thing undercut is the first triangle pic from the root pass. What pic are you talking about?

Your first post was they lay a bead with filler then swoop over it with pulse to make the weave look. The camburg stuff is root with filler and weave with more filler, steady or manually varied current. And the aluminum intake I am very sure is not a make it pretty swipe over a root pass, thus my point to posting it and being very impressed. Since all that fancy foot and hands work is insainly steady and consistantly perfect.

Weird. Its like arc weaving with tig. Fuck that shit lol.

sorry i thought the first two pics were of a ss weld the first not trying to argue with you either the welds are very imprsive for sure i just wanted to add my input it deff takes some practice to get down as good as this guy

no need to be sorry dude… its a friendly discussion thats all. No harm no foul. sorry if you took my rants the wrong way, i suck at showing e-motion. lol

The first pic is some 4130 .120 tube on a chassis.

deff no hard feelings was a good discusion that you won with good facts

well i will take that as a compliment then. Just wanted to help ya learn something I guess. Never stop learing right!!!

always learning new anyone whos says they know it all is full of shit i use the method i was talking about in my first post every once in awhile at my work just for apperence wise not as nice as this guys though

Using those pipe fitters bends is proven to be stupid strong and make nice manifolds, plus they weld up nice too, but every time I look at a suby one I think damn there’s a 50lb manifold! As long as the welder knows what he’s doing the manifold will probably be the last piece of the car left on earth in the event of an apocalypse :lol