Official Forza 3 Thread

here are some of my pics

My 500hp s4

ill have a few more pics later


il have more later homie

here is my tribute

ZR1 is sex!!

Anybody have action shots? Drifting? Crash? Epic overtake? Pit maneuver? :lol

I have a sickkk picture of my NSX-R making a sick pass on another NSX…butttttt don’t have XBoxLive to transfer photos to share. :frowning:

How does one transfer photos? I’ll take some.

My E90 600HP+ M5 is RIDICULOUS.

oops :lol


Adam, he means pictures that you can’t just search and copy/paste ya noob.

adam and his developer shots weak

He asked for shots, he got some.

lozano i have a suprise for you

haha hellll yeah!

thats my d class whip

haha, I haven’t used it in the game yet. I’m sure it sucks :lol