OFFICIAL Forza 4 Thread

Werd! Light + nimble > all. All my BMW parts are free in the game. Hopefully you can get a high enough affinity level to get money off from manufacturers.

BMW buddyz.

Heck yes, I love that you can make shitty old cars keep up with big tire big power cars in this game finally.

The 240sx is a BEAST in d/c class as well.

This is one of the things I LOVE about this game. All my Nissan’s and Chevy’s from here on out are free parts. I will do this for all my other makes soon enough. The only thing that costs money is rims/tires and swaps. Everything else is free. So technically, to build a crazy car…if you have reached affinity 4…you only need like an additional $30k per car you want to build. Easily made in 2 or 3 races since every time you reach a new affinity the manufacturer gives you like 15k.

Love the game this year. Way easier to make money.

In Forza 2 and 3, my favorite go-to car was an AE86 fully built. That thing rocked absolutely everything I racer until I got onto more open tracks with high power cars cuz I didn’t wanna ruin the car with a swap or forced induction lol.

Cossey, reinvite me as club. I rejected it the first time. :rofl

Oh I am also not very good.

Has anyone else had insanely aggressive AI. I have had a few dudes pit move me on a straight or run me off the track through a turn to knock me out of first. One dude was pulling me on a straight so i cut him off and he t-boned me into the next wall on the next turn. I was like WTF this is AI

Yeah it’s much ‘improved’ (more realistic) :rofl

They constantly bump and try to get me on the grass.

They’ll totally try to out-brake you too, it’s like, they know you’re trying to shut the door on them on the inside. I even had one go flying right off the track last night at the end of the straight at Road Atlanta last night.

2010 Camaro had just passed me before the braking zone, me in my little E30, so I say screw you buddy and shut him out braking way late, fucked my line all up, but he went and braked with the wheels cranked left right into the kitty litter. What a dickhead.

But seriously I hate the first turn of every single race, total clusterfuck.

Totally agree on the first turn. Easily get $600 in damage everytime if you are “in the pack” I usually rip down the inside and try to blast out past everyone before the turn

First turn is key, out in front you’re golden. If not, pause:restart :lol


I must have restarted 15 times, easy.

Yea i noticed this as well, I always race on hard and i was impressed at the ai level this time around. I like it

Pretty much. If you have a fast enough car and can master the late braking benny is talking about, you can move up as the race goes on. But if your car is even remotely close in performance to the others (meaning no one is really pulling on anyone), good luck.

Right now I have a D250 or something Nissan 2000 GTR and that thing is good on the straights and braking…so I can deal with being in last until the 2nd turn then I start to make my inside moves and late braking moves.

Wait you can adjust the AI difficulty?

it adjusts with game difficulty

dynamic difficulty now in forza motorsport 4. So as you are playing trough the game, as your beating the AI by a lot, the AI not only auto upgrade its car it also starts to get harder and harder and harder, until your finding the right match. And in a race like this the target number of cars to pass will change, in an autocross your target lap time will go down. So as your playing trough the career, its gonna find that right difficulty level. But you can still adjust the opponent difficulty when you change your assists.

You gotta send request. Won’t allot me to invite the same person twice, especially since your mediocre HAM self rejected it.

Been playing it since it came out tues morning:) just need to re-up my xbox live, aint had or used live in like 6 months lol, i ussally just play solo on racing games

I fucking need this and i need xbox live.

I was honestly trying to pull my hair out last night because the first three position cars were fucking hauling ass last night.

I’m not sure I like this feature. Don’t get me wrong, I love the racing, but I do the races to build up cash to dick around with.

So if I have to restart 4 times because somehow I’m 3 seconds back from the F430 in first and can’t make up any time on him for 3 laps (I grew to hate Silverstone last night. I used to love that track too.), I just get fucking enraged to the point of punching the molding around the window next to my bed and having a big ass bruise on my hand.

That happened.