Official LVD Drift Events Registration/Details

don’t be a sandy vagina…bedtimes are for sissies

I found a steely with a normal tire that will fit my car. I may now drive down. How much are spectator passes?


Dude you have to come.

I think I will. Won’t be there till late but it’ll still be like 3 hours of fun.

I’ll have my gf with me though

oh, no, dont bring the beautiful girl with you, girls are icky. oh no.

Ok well just so everyone knows me, look for the kid in a bright red zip up hoody with s chassis on it and the light blue labbatt blue hat oh and I girl who looks like she is 12 clinging to my side with a bag that is basically the size of her torso

I fucking hate those huge purses wtf is the point?!

I bitch at her all the time for it. She spends like 15 minutes looking for anything in it.

Its retarded

i can haz try out girlfriend?

might be making it up not sure, i dont get out of work till 7 =\ if not ill have the 240 at the lott //166/-\l-l

I dont understand why this is at 3pm on a Friday.

When does this end?

Because no one from shift would have showed up if it was a normal time.

Oh wait, no one from shift is showing up anyway.


We went over this, it’s not a bad thing.

i do agree that its at to fully retarded time

ok gates open at 3, drifting doesn’t start until 5

yes its early, but it is a friday afternoon. Not driving? Then show up whenever.

Also, being that it is a race track with other events going on during the weekends (ie racing) Friday Night was the best we could do.

So if you can’t make it, then I am truly sorry, otherwise, show up when possible!

i’ll be there after the car show at colonie high, depending on lighting i might try to get some pics.

i will be riding down with nick after he gets out of work

love you too, lolz i wanna go but i seriously cant now, it blows, and was gonna ride with wayne but he aint going either, and steves car is fucked lolz

wow u got the short end of the stick holmes

Got back from the event a little while ago. Quite a turn out of cars participating! I got to ride along with car ramrod and I can’t wait to give it a try next time.

who went from shift? i got in from work about 45 min ago, but i’m 100.000000% in on the june 19th one.