*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

i’ll swing by in the supra around 10:30-11ish


Rain stopped you all? I stopped up at 10:30ish and nobody was there.

Me and redconquesttsi were there from like 9-930.

Anyone for tonight or is it too cold.

wow no posts in long time just thought id say hi to everybody

give it another month :slight_smile:

it will come back alive then

LOL mighty sucks… I’ll only go if DrDos agrees to bang me… which might not be hard to persuade

I can’t wait to get out to one of these this year. I’m sick of lame highschool southgate meets.

so don’t go to them steve… your not a gay ass high schooler anymore!!

i cant wait to come to mighty this year, never been to one the mighty meets but ill be comin up with bigb so i dont feel all ackward…

i cant wait to come home for a few days this summer and get some runs in and hang with everyone again

but if you guys come to mighty you will actually have to… drive

hopefully ill be back in this area so i dont have to drive 5 hrs to get back home

the mighty meets are not anything special

they ar eif you’re there :suckoff:

Fixed it for you

they’re something to do at night plus i havent seen anybody in while and i dont get to do anything down here

ok so i just received a message from one of the fellow asshat “street element” members because the bag of shit decided to post a video of them “tray drifting” at mighty and i called him out on it…he responded with “you guys are all dickheads anyways!” god i hope darwin comes into play this year and they all drive off a cliff and they’re never seen again…should be some good street element bash sessions this summer…cobraman where did you move to!?!

oh pat how ive missed you lol…ohhhh girl!

im workin in downstate ny like an hour from nyc til i can work my way home.

hmmm ah welll…this scenario sounds kinda familiar to me…however if the used trays from Mighty its a whole differant story…that was a memorable thread that burnout thread, so many angry voices at once.

Since I’m in this topic, isn’t it suppose to be warmer than it has been in awhile tonight?