:word: gtfo
i agree, lets get back to talking about MIGHTY TACO :word:
i think its cool your into your car. but please dont argue/and/or justify 3-500$ for 4to6hp.
you should invest in some light wheels and tires and learn how to drive it before going “power hungry”
he should invest in a revolver and bullets. then kill himself it will be the only i will respect him.
so looks like Mighty is a drama fest also? I almost feel bad i never went up there last summer.
lol don’t.
lol i got pulled over in mighty parking lot one night, it was actually nitroinsane who took a pic of me while it was all going down. there was drama from that and it was my first mighty meet appearance. lol
Im sure the cops watch that place like a hawk, if there is all this tray drifting and asshattery going on
that was awhile ago
every time i went (which is not often) it was fine, now i might have to go to see what i have been missing
yes it was, hell of a way to make a first impression i guess. this summer should be much better though, not so much rice, and a little more power.
so is this a nightly thing or what? I usually get out of class at 8 ish on mondays and wensdays at UB north so it would be right on the way home to swing by for a bit
hopefully no pull overs lol
pretty much, it seems everytime i go there, theres always at least one person from the board just hanging out eating or talking. its become a pretty popular place in the past few years. during the summer, you could plan on finding people there almost every night.
usually people are there. Wensday is when the siqqqqqqqq street element crew comes out from the baller s and r car show.
haha well i still have the military id to back me up and probably whoever is with me. those cops were cool, i thought i was going to be screwed when i saw a marked and an unmarked car.
so did i thats why i pulled the cam out lol. i was like oh this is going to get good then it did not deliver lol.I know i am done speeding in tTonawanda the driving class is so bad now i seriously would of took the points then sat through that tonight. My ass is still asleep
Oh nicee… i wont miss that
haha i was just being a hard ass, it happens. i prob would have done the same thing. that car got me in nothing but trouble. it was worse before i sold the 18" chrome rims that i had on it. i was seriously getting pulled over daily with the suspicion of me being a drug dealer.
that car was super clean though i used to see it at 01audis4 storage