*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

there was a 350z and a rx8 that I specificaly asked to run and then i just walkked around trying to find someone to race me. nobody was game once they saw my car. I guess they were just skurd

If you worried about cops watching a meet, Mighty isn’t the place.

It Borders 3 jurisdictions, and there’s almost always a cop in one of the lots down Sheridan, usually just past advance auto. Seeing them pull people over is the entertainment sometimes…

Don’t tray drift, just do burnouts like the cool kids…but please remember, I was only practicing for the Lancaster burnout competition, yeah that’s what I’ll say for now on :slight_smile:

I hope the summer weather is a little more consistant than this winter weather has been, will the seasons make up their minds so all the summer rides can come out and play.

I think the discussion has been over with.

soooo… this fun needs to start soon :smiley: I <3 ricers!

me too

fixed for the fucking d-bag

hmm what the bullies say about me? mother fucker i am the bully! i dont get bullied around…and i can vouch for somedude because i’ve asked you guys about 10 times to do some runs (dude in the rx-8, the 300z and the 350z) their replies were and i quote “nah dude we’re not down with the street racing…we just like to chill” meaning “we have sand in our vag’s and we know our cars are slow” anyways enough of this in the mighty meet thread…i didnt really expect this ass jockey to ACTUALLY join nyspeed after all the shit he talked about us…MT CREW FTMFW! yo j-wheels are we still gonna do the whole “highway protons” lolBIG ED! rich and i can not wait to friggn see you up at mighty! we need some comic relief



i think i’m the only 300z that regularly goes to mighty…and i don’t recall once last year having a stranger approach me asking to run :gotme:

and if he did, i may have said yes…but if it was clearly not going to be close, i would have said no to avoid wasting my time…not out of fear of losing, but simply, not to waste my time to prove the obvious outcome…

what’s the deal with all the hardass noobs that think you have to streetrace to enjoy cars?

i’ll be at lancaster a lot more this year, and hopefully at dunneville a few times too…if you or whoever you’re talking about are upset that i allegedly turned away a callout, come to a track. or if you catch me on a good night i’ll do some pulls…just don’t be a dick about it, introduce yourself, shoot the shit, talk cars with us…

andy i already know who you are…it wasnt your 300z i was asking to run…it was an NA 300Z from one of the street element bags…im pretty sure you know who i am…silver mazdaspeed 6…pretty much up there every night…we went up to denny’s the one night 01audi almost smashed into that pole on the blvd lol

or we could do road protons, dont matter me to, and ill bback dont worry and you bet your ass ill be at mighty…

hopefully the car will be done with what i want by then

the 300zx N/A that they speak of is my friend Kevin. he didnt even have his after 9pm license last summer so i can see why he turned you down. as for the other people (this 350z and rx8 that you speak of) they probably thought you wanted to pull out on sheridan and go from there, which would be the stupidest idea ever since you would get pulled over in seconds.

if you want to talk to us and shit, dont walk over asking for races, just fucking talk about cars!, since thats what both us and you guys are all about anyways…

and corey, with the bully stuff, i was just trying to get a point across. so chill out man… and no i didnt become a member on here to come and say stuff, im actually using a friends username.

jeebus effing kristos. everyone STFU about us vs. street element.

mighty is OUR spot and if you guys dont want to join OUR forum to use OUR location then meet somewhere else. there is plenty of MTs around that you can have your own.

otherwise GTFO our threads posting nonsense.

if you’re going to “meet” with us then do it. dont be d-bags and sit on your little side and then argue with us when we disapprove of you “rollin up” on us like that.

come/contribute/race/whatever or GTFO

Well said.

What the fuster cluck.

well said.

lol, mighty is going to be fun this year…

oh wooooorrrrddd…

why would you waste your time calling out an NA ZX? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow i used to like an occasional mighty meet here and there. Sounds like too much BS is going to go on this season.
You all sure you dont own F-Boy’s or something?