*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

now come on… no one likes being called a water head… Puddin’ head, maybe. but telling someone that you hope they crash and 90% of their body is burned and then on top of it as if the accident couldn’t have been worse you want the kid paralyzed. Terrible. What’s come of these kids today

man, street element doesn’t stop wtf!! I held it in long enough and I can’t take it anymore. Everyone stay on topic this is a mighty thread like the man said. Post meets or go home… well ummm you probably are home typing this but you know what i mean… And for you pos mr fn niagara falls street element homo’s you better stop. especially you robslorolla 1zz 4ya in ya ass. You got a little brown spot on your nose… oh damn shit’s pouring out your nose!! someone get toilet paper!!

Thats fine, but he doesnt have to be a hypocrite about it… he does it too…

awesome mighty meet last night…well not really mighty…and I broke my upchuckless streek.

  1. me and mike aren’t from niagara falls you quack
  2. AdDicted2Boo0st clearly stated if your not talking about “mighty meets” then stop talking or GTFO
  3. if anything, your the one that isn’t letting the “thread” die. everything has already been settled. stop trying to be a father figure, your making yourself look stupid.

So, remember when BIG ED showed up at our St. Patties day party. Then he got f***ing wasted and puked everywhere. Then he woke up at 6:30 am and went to work.

BIG ED, you are a champion.

P.S. Pulley…

dude big ed is the fucking man! he was literally mackin’ it to every single broad at that party…im so pissed i missed him painting the toilet with puke…big ed you are a fucking god amongst men!

I’m not even going to chime in on the douchebaggery thats going on with StrEet ElEmeNt because its fucking pointless…until any of those dudes prove to me or any other mighty taco person that they are in fact ok guys then im just gonna keep shit to myself…i know rob and hes a pretty chill dude but some of the other dudes (white honda that thinks its a 350Z sending me petty myspace messages) need to just fuckin stop talking until they earn our respect because week after week its one more stupid thing they do at mighty to make everyone look bad…ive said all i needed to…that is all

well said rich…pulley indeed! PUUUUUHLEY!

Ladies & Gentlmen: The future leaders of America!


haha, hes in florida right now…stopping in Virgina next week and driving home a white 03 350z from the dealer… punk’s been usin my scanner to fax/send payments and information to the dealership for the last few weeks so i can vouch for him. :tup:

i live in va, tell him to stop over so i can call him a idiot and tell him street element sucks

ps. i miss mighty


i clearly stated i missed mighty taco

shit son i run MT Crew

gtfo noob

can anyone read? seriously? this thread gets a timeout…

ok opening back up, no questions asked this time you post something completely unrelated to a mighty meet, you get a ban

car will be back up and running tomorrow.

weather is looking great for wednesday, i will be out and about. i’ll stop in :wink:

Perhaps a meet tonight? It’s not too bad out right now.

Anybody else gonna head up?

Hmmm, mabye me an JDMjunkie might head up, what time ya thinkin

I dont know really. 9:30pm? i was tryin to get my friend to go, unno if hes gonna or not yet.

Hmmm, OK IDK, I’ll see whats up, all day working on my car and its still not drivable, it would be nice to take a break and get out

ill go