*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

Heck Yes

i know, i keed i keed

let me know if your gonna take a ride up there later, if its not pissing rain maybe i will take a cruise

doubtful but maybe

in 4 10. but im slow still so probably not gonna be able to run alotta folks!

i want rocky’s you bitches!!!


No they all scare me… Get friends in NY already :rofl:

i love you to much to say what i was about to type

Couldnt have been any worse, than what I was just about to type as well LMAO



OOooooo Cake?!

buahahahahah. I <3 you.

i’ll pop up around 10 probably.

Needs moar NYG Muffins.

I might swing by around 10ish.

Love you too joe <3

im that inviso-jawn

I think I have frostbite on my ears and face.

same old group… stoped by been awhile didnt seem like much has changed… just got to finish the School bus so i have somthing to take on the runs I dont think the 90hp jetta would fair so well :stuck_out_tongue: