*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

Ill prob be up there tonight around 10:30ish

bleh nothing to do tonight, the woman is at work till late… anything?

homework > me


I’m quite bored. If anyone else is showing, I might possibly bring the FC…

i have to see what i have to do. im coming off of a 4-day weekend and cant remeber what homework i had to begin with (or if i did it already lol).

if anyone else is gonna be up there then im in

I should be up there 10:45ish



for such an awsome night not many showed… just the few that wanted me to fix there cars :)… and a honda or 2.

Weather should clear up around 7:00 and that will give it plenty of time for the streets to dry before Mighty time. I am going to head up 10:15ish. Should be pretty dry by then. Anyone else?

I’ll stop by at about 10:30 after work as I always do

got sean’s (jdmr2) going away party to attend, but prob wont be there too long seeing that i can’t drink tonight…so i might swing by later, maybe at like 11:30 or so…hopefully it’s nice and cold and/or wet, drifting around all day has been a blast…

ill be there at about 10 to 1030

Anyone doing M.T. tonight? Last chance in '06 to run me!

My car is clean, I’ll try to stop by around 10.

My car is dirty as hell, I don’t really care. . .I’m going to try to make it out.

I will be up there about 10 maybe 10:30. maybe I’ll get beat by a Vette or a Focus, we’ll see.

i will be there i guess… im hungry anyways… anyone wanna watch x-men 3? i just got the dvd…