Moderation, Recent Offtopic splitting and the BS siituation on the forum

i will feel free to post to what ever the hell it is that i want too… if the thread is off topic when i get and it has not been moved or seperated, i will follow if it.

if it’s nomral thread, on topic or technical thread on topic i will follow it like i normally.

sa far as code blue with the slack pppffftm. go ahead wave the band stick:thumbup u know go one better instead of banning just remove my fucking account how’s that. this way if or when i got to sign in and i can’t any more. i’m a big boy i will get the point and proceed to remove like out of my favorites and into the trash bin. it’s that simple.

i’ll go one better how about we start a thread with a poll. to see if people think that i’m that much of an asshole or in some people’s eye’s a FUCKING MORON. to have me banned or removed. if the poll say yes. i’ll remove myself. thats how easy going i am.

let’s give a whirl and see what happens?:thumbup