Moderation, Recent Offtopic splitting and the BS siituation on the forum

past 200 ,man like half of mine are bullshit …but thats how i am and we all know it most of my tech talk or help is done on my phone shop or threw p/m,s

a select few know you :wtf most if not all know who i am and how i am :retardclapso therefore go to a class on clampin sphincters or suttin cause your a uptite fuck

I unfortunately know John :lol :hug

Well Ive had enough fun for one night. Gotta get up at 6 for work

i will feel free to post to what ever the hell it is that i want too… if the thread is off topic when i get and it has not been moved or seperated, i will follow if it.

if it’s nomral thread, on topic or technical thread on topic i will follow it like i normally.

sa far as code blue with the slack pppffftm. go ahead wave the band stick:thumbup u know go one better instead of banning just remove my fucking account how’s that. this way if or when i got to sign in and i can’t any more. i’m a big boy i will get the point and proceed to remove like out of my favorites and into the trash bin. it’s that simple.

i’ll go one better how about we start a thread with a poll. to see if people think that i’m that much of an asshole or in some people’s eye’s a FUCKING MORON. to have me banned or removed. if the poll say yes. i’ll remove myself. thats how easy going i am.

let’s give a whirl and see what happens?:thumbup

Can open. Worms, everywhere.

The boys up top are just looking for some small amount of order. It’s not too much of them to ask of those here. The frustration on both ends of this discussion is well understood and 99% of the members who actively participate in this forum are guilty of throwing a topic or two OT, myself included.

I tend to sway towards the order end of the barrier. Opening up a topic titled “DP” only to get a full screen view of someones henry wrinkler throws me off a bit. Quite a bit to be honest. Funny, to some. Disgusting to myself, especially when my 2yr old daughter could come running around the corner at moments notice. NWS isn’t a tag line that just apply to cubicles and meeting rooms :wink:

Keep the site fun and entertaining yes. Shift wouldn’t be Shift w/o some drama and even I must dive into it now and then to stay entertained. But derailing a full on tech post or some serious questioning thread with banter does no one any good. Nor does having people jumping into convo telling the OP how to do things better than what the OP obvious has a firm grasp on. I’m reluctant to post quite a bit of what goes on around here due to that exact scenario.

Enough outta me for now.



the point has been taking atleast by me and understood.

but my problem now is. all the dicklickers jumping on the bad wagon, oh u guy’s this u guy’s that. but not one of those come in here and posted were all or said we 've done it too. they just wanted to point fingers and act like model forum dewellers.

atleast to when u posted u could admit to ur faulst and doing it too.
not one of the other finger pointers could or did do it.

thats whats burning my ass now how ever else wants to try and act proper ;like they never followed suite.


I feel like I just had a big fight with the wife and I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.

Fu%#it, even I’ve done it, but as Adam and others have said, there is a place, a time and an extent to which it should be taken, and the thread I’ve linked to earlier, the Downpipe thread was a perfect example of what I was talking about, and it just so happened for it to be concurrent with the events going on at the time.

As some members also have said, this place as it sits now is in pretty poor shape from organizational stand point, car talk stand point or even useful information, and brining me back to my original point, they said they wouldn’t even be here or stick around if they weren’t doing me a huge favor by sticking around.

A forum is supposed to be a place where people WANT to go and talk, not where they do a favor to the owner by coming back.

Granted it’s quite a unique combination of location, members and rules that all fell into the melting pot of the forum. However one of the basics of us being an automotive culture is that at least all the auto threads should stay ontopic.

Every once in a while put yourself into somebody else’s shoes. Let’s say you’re new to town. Don’t know anybody. Just heard about the site and visiting. You click 5 random threads and all you see is bickering, swearing, name calling and NSW material.

Would you come back? I don’t think so.

For regulars here, adjusting a little bit wouldn’t be too hard, but a small change for regulars can make a world of difference for new comers. And if new comers stick around, we will have more balls to bust which makes it more benefitial for the entire community.


fine ill try ,no prommises though ,can i get my own section just for off the wall antics that me and others do?



lol… i love you vladimir…

nah ya gotta call it slowmarro,s section

now your pushing it…

nah it will be cool ,

i’m not disagreeing with u at all. technical , for sale and build type threads should stay exactly on topic.
everything else is kind of a fine line imo. yes it’s a lil overwehlming so times.
but if u ask a stupid question or start an off tilt thread u expect it.

here’sa good example thread was started the other night slogan thread.
was to something to do with drift. yup a i put a few in there off the wall that had nothing to do with it. yup they were removed. but i also put a few in there that were off the wall that had to do with topic they were removed. it didn’t specify family friendly slogan it just said slogan. there were others too. but there didn’t get removed. that’s what seemed bias and there have been other occasions too.

it’s always going to be comparing apples to oranges with no matter who your going to talk too.

again i’m not disagreeing with u. i do undersatnd. but your’s or others fine line is apparently different than mine.

but what burnung my ass is everbody else now who wants to point fingers like they’ve never done gone off topic or busted balls.
not that i give a shit about anyone else. but when u point ur finger at me make sure it doesn’t have any brown stains oof ur own on it . that’s all.

u can alway rest ur weary head on my lap.

how about some live chat thou:number1