Moderation, Recent Offtopic splitting and the BS siituation on the forum

:cry: its guys like you that make the scene unbearable ,every car guy "at least not someone who drives a bimmer or some big wig car " has been a perv or ballbuster its uptite tools like you that make it shit

i can honestly say, unless vlad told me about the site i would have never even signed up let alone posted. i stay here pretty much entirely because i support what vlad has done for the “scene.”

he is a solid dude, as well as a lot of guys and girls on here. without the forums, i probably would never have met a lot of you.

Yeah, but that was the reason we started this thread in the first place.


If you two find something you want to reply to offtopic, but dont want to clutter… Make the same titled thread in OFFTOPIC, post a link to it in the message body, and then continue on your witty banter there… then, THERES NO CLUTTERING UP EVERY THREAD

Interesting, wouldnt I have to be part of a scene to make it shit? Im here to support my friend, who has a forums, thats it really, im not part of the scene, nor have i ever been.

need a hug j:hug ,am i totally useless? or retarted …be honest i wont hate ya

that may work or threads can be split that way by mods instead like they were in the past.

then why are you on a car forum?

If thats the case its like John having a forum about vacuum cleaners and me posting there even though Im not into them but I own one.

No, you DO post some good technical info, but you DO go offtopic alot.

Because I was asked to participate on the forums, thats why. If I was asked to stop participating by the person that asked to participate, I would leave. I dont post much. I used to be into cars when I was younger, now for the most part im on her to keep in touch with a few friends and their cars/projects.

sometimes you gotta take the good with the bad. Kinda like a relationship although I know nothing about those.

:number1 not a lot …or it least goes wit the thread

jay, take you hands of the keys and answer my text there sexy.

i’m gonna just say this general once so it doesn’t seem like i’m pointing the figure at any one…
unless ur vlad or a mod on this subject. I, me , Personally dont give a fuck what u have to say about it or how u don’t like it. take ur crying ass pussie’s over to cvs it’s national rag month and they got a special on tampoons or kotex what ever u like.

they said want they had so say and i had said what i wanted too.


Vlad if we need to further our convo. on our end u know were to find and i know were to find u. ;]

You should be the last person on earth to bring cars into this, because if I bring up about ~200 of your lasts posts, there won’t be much car related things there :tongue

He’s here, because I asked him to and I sincerely appreciate him helping out, just like I do with the rest of you guys, and he does join in on some of the Battlefield threads for his own personal entertainment.

we would honestly need a full time staff of 20 mods for that, and all of the mods have busy lives. This is something we do to help vlad. It isn’t fun, isn’t democratic, and often times we have to bite our tongues, because we are mods.

it would take an extra 20 seconds to make the new topic, and save a ton of headaches.

then dont rain on our parade and throw shit out there we all know each other and are friends for the most part .deal wit it


Your raining on the parade of people that want to contribute to this site. Your the problem, not me