WNYFBody stolen...

JnJ does give great prices on parts and i would amagine he takes it in the ass as far as making$ off of him. other then not being able to get ahold of him a time or two and a small bank error ordering parts from him are a :tup: ive never had him work on mine or my friends car so i cannot make a statment about that.

Nytrus1 on the other hand has done 100% Great work on my friends car for a very resonable price. Other then things talking longer then they were planned everytime the car went into him hes always done great stuff for him. One night the exhaust clamp came of my friends car so we drove by the shop right after it happened and seen him in there @ 2am still working. We stopped in and he was on his way out to go home and get some sleep but he tossed the car on the lift and fixed it for him.

so a BIG :tup: to nytrus1.

i have no personal prob with either of them other then the minor details that i have stated. But i do agree this is complete BS what is going on with this forum drama. J should just return it to mark and remove himself from any control on wnyfobody.

if not then mark should make something like www.nyfbody.com and run it correctly.

and dont block J from being a user on there either unless you have a good reason to.