yeah really WTF?
i just basically got it back from jay, im picking mods and they can run it, mods will be respectable people from the fbody crowd
Im honestly about -><- close to shutting down that website…if Jay put you in charge of it.
im just making sure its all up to date and the mods will run it
give it a chance
LOL someone let this guy run a website??
im sure this will turn out GREAT
We have a forum already and its fine…
Do you understand…
No one likes you
No one respects you
You’re a 17 year old small child who is in highschool
You barley own a F-body you own some $500 POS…Im sure we could get enough local Fbody owners together and buy it from you so you don’t associate your self with us.
You’re trying to start shit by bringing the forum back and since JnJ won’t do it you can be his bitch and do it.
/ im not anyones bitch the new site that got started is lame and boreing the old one was way better
Way better??
Hey jerk off you weren’t even around back then…
Stop being JnJs fucking little bitch boy…
im not anyones bitch boy, do you see him having any power or sponsership on the site NO if i were his bitch boy hed have all the above so stfu
that site has been garbage and im sure that wont change anytime soon. the fact that your the owner confirms how big of a joke it is.
You realize your a tool-in and by yourself?
leave the kid alone, has he hurt your feelings or something?
so what if he starts the site back up, if you dont like it, then dont visit it.
how do jandjs balls taste…
ps: does your bf still like Bacardi grand melon… :gay:
You really want me to get started on how your a waste of life?
Oh yea…you don’t need to involve your self in this because I mentioned JnJ…I like JnJ I just think it was a stupid drama causing movie to hand over that forum to worthless fuck.
He does you idiot. Did he sell you the site or something? Did you change the registry billing information to your name? Do you know the password to get into the registry (ie:ownership) of the site? Guess what, he has all of that, you have simple admin powers, whoopty fuckin do. You’re his little pawn right now, way to play along you naive idiot.
Change it to SpeedPud.com. That will make you feel even more powerful.