Moderation, Recent Offtopic splitting and the BS siituation on the forum

good. it got your attention. exactly what it was meant to do

wow someone’s gettin angry

But now you need to deliver 5 bottles of Advil to me :lol that killed my head :tongue

I just read through this thread :lol I’d have to agree with Vlad for the most part. If someone posts a legitimate question people should try and hold off the OT posts for a little while. But this forum won’t be as addicting as it is without all the OT bullshit :lol

I guess what I’m saying here is, people should use common sense when posting and just ease back on the off topic posts just a little bit.

sorry and who pissed in ur shoe’s. i believe , i’ve seen some ballbusting and o/t shit out of u too. no one’s perefect apparently.

nobody said we wouldn’t stop it. u CAN"T stop it, but control it better.
my point was being singled out while others got away with the same shit.
i believ our convo. was with the owner and other mods.

so unless u were recently deptutized ur statement is out the window with me:rofl

I think some of the OT stuff is BS, like a couple of my FS threads and such. It gets old quick when you are trying to sell something and you have 12 idiots causing a ruckus inside said thread. On a side note, threads that begin as “SRS BZNS Fucks a Crocodile b/c its the most ballinist shit you can do” are destined for failure obviously, and serve no “purpose” other than BS and fun.

One thing I really respect on this forum is that it seems like not a single post is deleted. They just move it. It’s like free speech :clap

we aren’t saying be 100 percent serious. theres a time and place for everything. the offtopic section is it.

All of the offtopic shit has made this threads relationship to automotive information the equivalent of SuperStreet, just a bunch pictures of trashy whores and useless BS.

i vote live chat. !!!

whats up man??? long time no talk. give me a call, we gotta chill broskizzle :hug

yes im a giant 8 yr old,will i ever grow up ?no i wont sorry i dont fit into your suit and tie era so fuck you

Adam you had 20 posts about 18" black dildos on my cabinets for sale post (which Hank bought) so youre guilty there too.

Not that I mind that my thread was 3 pages of bullshit. It was rather hilarious.

PLEASE NOTICE. we aren’t singling people out, but when we consistantly see the same people with BS posts all of the time, we can’t help but take notice. This policy refers to everyone, and will start being enforced, but we are only human, we can’t spend 15 hours splitting posts every day. You guys need to cut us some slack.

F5 F5 F5…
fast ass thread… whew

kinda what were asking for actually

good. then please dont reply to my posts. All my arguments and ballbustin are on topic with the thread topics, its a pretty simple concept. IF you see a thread title, and have something to add thats helpful, or even at the least on topic, you go in and post. If your going into make fun of someones grandmother, or there underglow on there sentra, unless the thread is about that dont post it, make a thread about it, or post in the OT thread. Its pretty simple really Are you guys really that retarded? I mnot the “owner” or a mod but I am friends with Vlad and dont like seeing his hard work go down the drain along with everything else that comes with the albany car scene.

EVERYONE IS GUILTY. EVEN MYSELF. lets just use some restraint. that’s all we are asking.

+1, OT shit is entertaining to read and is what makes this shit so funny

I shouldve been in bed by now but this is interesting. Almost like the night we all got banned for dumb shit and went to Rspeed.

We ARE cutting you slack. we responded to the thread and have been active in it, instead of just waving the ban stick around like some tyrant.