r speed,,,,,,,,,,,,what ................

do we all need to ask for what we post now or what :idiots


nice paul , :wtf happened now did travis cry to jason :crackup

ok I dont agree with whats going on either but we dont need 15 threads about it

i started this one first j clark had to one up me ,fucker

^ True, I was totally out of line.

But 16 is ok, right? Im about to start one. ;D

  • 1000 jclark points and a hand job :nod

wtf is going on

its totall chaos

“bennyfizzle” silence, youre one of them


Pandemonium. We need to call in moderators from other forums to help clean this up.

or boot the ones that started it

we’re doomed.

i actually LOL’d

That’s it, we’re taking over. Vlad will understand, he’s Russian.

i just wrote a paragraph response to this and I accidentally erased it, sooo I’ll summarize with

“I’m just going to sit back and watch”

well said.