Official MythBusters "PLANE on a CONVEYOR" episode PARTY!!! (12/12/07 @ 8pm)


ryan, go home sick today!


only person here, the other guy is on leave since his wife just had a baby, otherwise id be goin home sick.

I’m in. I’ll probably show up after the 1st period.

The drink specials are worth it to just go and watch the game.

shit, I might head up now to watch the game…

there better be pics from this party… ill be taking some at mine from afar!

Game time… I need a beer :frowning:

Thank god I woke up in time…woooooooot

no mention of this myth in the opening sequence/

They totally aren’t doing it. WTF they didn’t list it in the intro. :lol:

No mention of it on the dish info :gotme:

Oh man, if they don’t do it, this will be the biggest letdown ever.

el oh el

the internets are blowing up. seriously look at any large forum right now. wow.

This could be the biggest blunder of 07

How many people are there? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

lol, i feel like ass and didnt end up going, but i still wish i did i could go for some roast beef.

BTW, pulled this off the Discovery website:

Jamie and Adam take wing to test if a person with no flight training can safely land an airplane and if a plane can take off from a conveyor belt speeding in the opposite direction. Tory, Grant, and Kari jump on some Hollywood-inspired skydiving myths.

:gotme: hmm

didnt see it in the opening sequence either…i wish i could see the look on everyones face that went out to the party…at least you guys got some good eats… gotta make something good out of it haha

Oh noes. The internetz is about to implode.


9:00 pm
(60 minutes)

Air Plane Hour

Jamie and Adam take wing to test if a person with no flight training can safely land an airplane and if a plane can take off from a conveyor belt speeding in the opposite direction. Tory, Grant, and Kari jump on some Hollywood-inspired skydiving myths.

We’ll see…

i didnt see it, what happened? did it take off? did all of you "friction doesnt do shit"ers get hosed?

its on now??? shit yeah. going to watch

I hope its on…otherwise we will never know


damn, i dont think this segment is on till the second half