Official MythBusters "PLANE on a CONVEYOR" episode PARTY!!! (12/12/07 @ 8pm)

lol. theres gonna be a riot at the warehouse tonight if they dont show this :lol:

they usual do it in 2 parts in the show, should be on after the next commercial break

The in and out of breaks arent saying anything about it…hopefully its a big surprise or something.

hopefully they just show how badly the plane burns and state that theyre not allowed to show adam and jamie’s deaths on tv(not that I really wish them death) lol


The in and out of breaks arent saying anything about it…hopefully its a big surprise or something.



25 min left. Skydive myths remain as well as Adams flight sim…dun dun dun

yeah this is getting lame. Theyre gonna drop some kind of bomb on us about this.

I could only imagine whats going on at that bar right now lol

Atleast they got to watch the Sabres win tho

LOL from

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15 Min with flight sim on.

i am hoping they would dedicate more than 10 min to such a huge scale myth…

and I’ll steal this from their thread:

Well…It doesnt look like its going to happen. :frowning:


this could be the beginning of WW3, and it will all start on the internetsss :ohnoes:

lol wow thats funny

I am sure they will be bombed with hate mail, and from what it looks like they deserve it.

I think the fact that we still dont have the official answer on if it will fly or not will only create a larger rift between the 2 sides. Someone needs to get an answer on this to save the world.


wow, fucking homos

bet they’ll have a viewer mail segment with the onslaught of complaints this will receive…