Official Need For Speed: Most Wanted Thread

nope they dont work either


edit: im trying to look for forums dedicated to this type of stuff, but am failing to find anything… dopeshiznit forums have 0 mention of the game whatsoever

when you say “nope”, do you mean “yes i downloaded them and no they didn’t work either?”

i’ll do a search though…

thanks, i appreciate it! and im sure anyone else who used that torrent is having the same problems. the deviance keygen didnt do anything either

and none of the serials listed or downloaded worked

try this, dled out of a game cd package torrent: PL33-NKML-S49X-DR7W-6MY9

btw i found a couple different versions of that deviance keygen, one was even 4mb… :confused:



sure thing, hollar atchyo boy. :wink:

ack, says i cant use anti-blaxx and there is no crack for it on the cd : /

i gotta start looking for a no-cd

unless you wanna help :smiley:

what is “anti-blaxx”? :confused:

if it just won’t load without a cd in the tray, use daemon tools to load a disc image and make your pc ‘think’ that the game is in the tray.

or on the off chance that that doesn’t work… you could… gasp burn it to a cd. :eek: lol :rofl:

well, safe hide worked, and im playing now :slight_smile:

its fun haha :smiley:

same here… everyone looks at me like I have 3 eyes when I play racing games because I use in car view. IMO, it’s waaaay better

easier to control the back end of the car, easier to see further ahead of you, and easier to clear close corners/cars/ect

in car is the only way to go outside the car u don’t get the same sense of speed

+1 on any in-car view for any driving game.

+1 more if it has a real in-car view without that front of the bumper/top of the car shit.

any simulation driving game should be played with in car view

any arcade driving game should be played outside car view

end of story :slight_smile:

im having a lot of fun with most wanted, although my BMW GTR got taken away! bastages

Ok so this is weird

Ive installed using Alcohol %120 - mounted fine for install and everything. So I tried to play it, started it up on dics one and everything, option screen comes up and I hit play. Then proceeds to say "insert correct disc. Restart app. ETC ETC ETC. I got this trying to use Daemon as well.

Whats up with it? bad DL or something?

I had the same issue using daemon tools, found an easy solution.

Unzip the executable
Run that program
Click Hide
Play NFS :tup:

Been playing it for the past two days. Good game, not great though.

The Good:
-Fun arcade driver
-More selection of cars
-The cops really don’t affect the racing too much as long as you pay attention.
-All parts are at one place now
-Audio/music selection is WAY better than Underground 2
-HUGE playing area.
-Story keeps you somewhat amused

The Bad:
-Holy, corny acting batman!
-It’s still underground, just brightly lit with cops.
-No TRUE in-car view
-No damage, you can only scrape your paint
-Get repetative, mainly because it was all done in the last two games. Minus the cops
-Can’t play the cops :tdown:

Summary: If you are a fan of the Underground series or hot pursuit 2 it’s worth it. If you were a fan of the original NFS series before EA riced it out, or like simulation’s, look elsewhere.

All in all :tup::tup::tup:1/2 of 5

i got the black edition…woot woot 1st gen f’bod 4 l

downloaded this for xbox…i like it played for like 5 hours yesterday, imo bumper view >* how far has everyone gotten