Official: NHL Playoff Thread


ill be the first to admit that im a hockey fan/player 1st and pens fan 2nd and am very sick of the crosby circus thats out there, theres more than one person the team… im just happy that theyre actually clicking and getting the puck cycled around to everyone, not just wonder kid

hope they keep it up… game 2 is going to be very interesting, either the rangers are going to wake up, or the pens are going to just keep on steamrolling, hopefully the latter :slight_smile:

FUCKING TWC!!! lost digital signal right as they scored

what happened with that drury goal? i was at tullys at couldnt hear shit but from what i could see it looked like a high stick, wasnt it?

inconclusive… they couldnt gauge the height cause fleury jumped, the puck was shot from way out in the deep slot and bad angle of the camera

on a side note:

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? isnt there other players playing in the playoffs???

^ All I have to say is when you have a sport with low ratings you hype the stars and hope enough interest follows that you can hype the teams.

The play on the Sykora goal was just gorgeous too.

And Turco completely saved the Stars from being destroyed in their game.

Philly is back at it again. Looks like Umberger may have caught Price a little off guard on that first one.

I <3 Marty Fucking Biron

That is all.

Welcome to the club.
It makes me happy because so many people shit on me for being a philly fan hahaha.

Marty’s a great goalie and I’ve always liked him. I wish the Sabres would have rode with him back in the 2006 playoffs. Miller was shakey early on and I think Biron could have given the Sabres a better chance. But I’m really happy to see him doing well this year.

I think game 3 is going to get ugly.

wooo hoo go philly…OMG did i just say that:uhh:

Yeah I agree.
Its nice to see a team Start Biron.
After sitting on the bench for so long, I’m glad to see he wasnt totally rusty this season.
As the series progress and next season I expect big things from him.
I think philly probably has a good shot, I dunno if they can punch Pittsburgs ticket tho.
Only time will tell.

Phi should be up 2-0 in the series.

pit 2-0 series lead going into NYC :slight_smile:

Tough break on that Straka no-goal, Rangers gotta get their PP in line for Game 3.

Anyone watching the dallas san jose game? That ribeiro goal was sick

Yeah I just happened to turn it on a few minutes before his goal. Definitely a heads up play on Ribeiro’s part.

Turco looked like an idiot on that 2nd goal. No patience…

but his team made up for it…!

does anyone else feel like there watching a sabres game sometimes…
earlier they were talking all about campbell, then stu barnes …geezz we lost some good players