Official: NHL Playoff Thread

we’ll see guy

I see San Jose going far, Dallas looked real good too.

And the Avs arent to be counted out either.

how about giving boston some credit? lol you act like they were a pushover

any games on tonight

really, iirc they were doing really well at the begining of the season and had some bad injurys throughout the year. i think they beat pitt in the season series also.

2nd round begins tomorrow night.

I already said Rangers vs. Montreal in the East, but I think Colorado and San Jose will battle for the West.

Detroit just always finds a way to lose. Great rivalry there and with Theodore playing as well as he did in the 1st round, I think Colorado can take Detroit in 6 or 7.

Fucking garbage. Habs are fucking cheaters.

Must be nice to have the refs in your back pocket.

meh, it was knee to knee, i’m not suprised it was called

Watch the replay again. It was going to be shoulder to shoulder until Kovalev jumped to the side. Why is that Richards fault??? Kovalev did it to himself.

yea but when it happens as fast as it did, you can see why it was called

Still, the habs always get the benefit of the doubt.

Nice rebound control Marty! :bloated:

lol at sid the kids playoff beard… looks like if I tried to grow one

2 sets of 2 goals under 20 seconds!!! sick


thats it! back from 3-0 to win it 5-4

Rangers really let Lundqvist down tonight on the defense. They need to tighten that up and stay out of the box.
As for Sid, he needs to man up and stop taking dives. It’s questionable at times and I know he could be a stronger player and fight through some of those plays. Instead he bails and the refs almost always give him a call. I have a lot more respect for a player like Ovechkin who can do it all.

Game 2 will be redemption time.

If you don’t think that was a penalty you are retarded.

Wow, When Pittsburgh pours it on offensively they are NASTY.

No :cry: here. It was just coincidental that the penalty leading up to the Penguins game winning goal was drawn by Crosby. But there are several other plays where he embellishes a check that’s just not necessary. Diving is very hard for refs to call, but if they just nailed Sidney once or twice, he’d get the point.

No way am I blaming a late PP goal as the cause of the Rangers loss. They didn’t play the body enough, weren’t aware of their surroundings (especially in the defensive zone), and turned the puck over a number of times. This was a big wake up call for them.