Official: NHL Playoff Thread

I just think it would be a fun series to watch. I don’t want san jose to make it, Colorado isn’t going to beat Detroit and I fucking hate Detroit. I was rooting for the flames but unfortunately they were knocked out already. In the East pitt is the only team I can get into, the rangers,canadiens and philly suck imo.

Good point, I was pulling for Colorado in the 2nd round now, but it’s not looking good. I absolutely hate Detroit and Dallas. I would lovvvvve for San Jose to get a shot, but then the thought of Brian Campbell hoisting the Cup makes me hurl :barf:


Good try, but the Rangers are my #1 team. Sabres are a close 2nd being the hometown team and of course, having the best announcer in all sports period.


Rangers owned them in the second period though:eekdance: I thought they were going to take the lead.

Go pens

so… like i said

yeah, i got :rubicant:. Dammit the Rangers are not helping my cause right now. We got a huge mountain to climb.

Congrats on being the first team to do that since the 1994 Rangers. I hate to say it but the Pens are serious Cup contenders. I just never thought they could play this well, but their special teams are nearly flawless. And for fuck’s sake Laraque scored!:smash2: We deserve to lose any game when that happens.

lol i couldnt believe it was laraque. on a somewhat related note, when me and my friends play NHL 08 we always dub it an automatic win if your teams enforcer scores a goal. so after the laraque goal i had a good feeling haha.

Biron made some incredible saves last night, AGAIN. he’s on fire.

Briere scores the game winner.

god im glad im not a Sabre fan.

Philly should have swept if not for the BS call in Game 1 that let MTL tie the game and eventually win in OT.

marty is having a career night… something tells me though that its just his year…

like cam for the canes, rolo for the oilers… every year there seems to be one stand out goalie that normally isnt, and usually isnt after that season… marty is this years lol

if the flyers at least go to the cup, hell have SOOO much pressure on him to be a savior next year for the team, and personally, as much as i like biron, he doesnt have the “carry a team all season” skill IMO

I don’t know, if Miller is still considered and elite goalie in the NHL I think Marty will do just fine.

That’s the question right there, if Miller is still considered elite. He’s gotta get things back together and make this past season look more like just an off year to stay in that elite group.
Marty is definitely coming into his own and it seems lately that goalies are hittin their prime years later in their careers. But honestly, who cares what he does next year, right now it’s all about winning the Cup.

yep… my comment about keeping marty over the years still applies

i <3’s him

Marty kept them in that game last night. They were getting walked all over.

I just don’t think that will happen though against Pitt in the next series. Pitts top 2 lines can make the best goaltender look quite average very easily and against a still slower defense like Philly (although they are quicker than they used to be), I’m predicting a field day for Pitt offensively.

Even though they lost last night, I’d put Turco in this argument as well. Everyone thought he was done at the beginning of the year (was playing like ass) and now he’s the backbone of the team.

Dude what are you talking about??? The Rangers are going to win that series! :biglaugh: Pitt will be done with in a week. Let’s Go Rangers!!!



I don’t see Philly getting past Pittsburgh, but it will be a great series. Even better when you see the riots in the stands and parking lot because you’ll get so many road trip fans in each other’s cities.