Official: NHL Playoff Thread

True gonchar isn’t really a brawler, but usually is one of the guys to step in and rough someone up if need be. The aggression in the third of last nights game was intense, i cant wait to see what goes down Sunday.

They were both standing their playing light sabre wars with their sticks. The refs probably threw him out because there was 15 seconds left and things were getting out of hand. No sense leaving Crosby out there and risk some Philly goon doing something stupid.

did they throw out richards too?

I think so. It was clearly one of those situations where had it happened in the game no one would have been thrown out but with 15 seconds left and the way things were getting out of hand I think the refs just wanted to get control quick.

I heard something from someone last night about a goalie but ending someone with his stick, then the player broke hiss tick across the goalies chest and they both got fined?

anyone hear anything about this.
the source was unreliable.

it wasn’t like that. it was a tap with the butt end, and a shot to the chest

its probably on youtube

personally i think osgood took a dive.

c/a’s are designed to take 100mph slapshots. a slash to it isn’t gonna hurt that much

werd, he stayed down for a decent amount of time. and it wasnt that good of a wind up. even if its a full wind up slash on the wrist it doesnt hurt that much where youd stay for down that long.


but then again, if someone fucks with a goalie its tradition for the goalie to make it look as bad as possible so when his teammates kick some ass, it’s justified

He was selling it like a used car. hahaha
It was a good performence.

So obviously embellished.

When you watch it closely, there is a decent lapse before he even reacts.

Osgood deserved an Oscar after that act. Dallas is making a series out of this now and I’m hopeful for a Game 7.

Pitt is handling Philly pretty good so far. Score is just 1-0, but they are moving the puck with authority.

I fucking LOVE watching Pitt play. Such good puck movement, and they still have some guys who can throw the body around.

Edit- 2-0 now. If Philly doesn’t get it going, this is going to get ugly fast.

Philly is trying too hard.
They just had a good chance, fluery came up big.
We need a quick one to shift momentum.

In for classless 3rd period goonage by Philly if the game gets out of reach.


And JayS, would it be any other way?

It’s in the Philly water.

It’s already begun actually, haha.

Game. pending a huge comeback from my flyers.

^ Yep, I was really torn in the last series deciding who I hated more, a city and team full of assholes with a goalie I love, or a city full of Quebecois separatists.

And the gooning is starting already.

Hahaha, idiots. They get a powerplay, and then squander it with a trip.

Instead, giving Pitt a MASSIVE advantage on a 4v4.

And Briere just got told to “Sit the fuck down”