Official: NHL Playoff Thread

of course averaging 2 shots per game like pitts did didnt help either :slight_smile:

and its not only their defensemen, the forwards come back too and they collapse well to take away alot of shooting lanes

iā€™ll admit i didnā€™t watch a whole lot of detroit games this season minus the past 2 series, i always knew they were good but never paid much attention. zetterberg/datsyuk/lidstrom/rafalski i already knew were good, but i was impressed with alot of role players too, mostly samuelsson flippula and lebda

Yeah, I noticed a lot that they would only send 2 deep, and not get the 3rd offenseman down more until the play was developed solidly in the offensive zone, so if Pitt broke up the play and came out there was usually at least 3 guys back.

It was like the trap, without the utterly mind-numbing bore.

they do, i think thats something the pitt D should have been doing also, they rarely helped out on offense and i believe should have shot more from the point when they could.

detroit really is such a well disciplined team they did deserve the win :confused:

anyone else notice that Bettman seemed to be a bit off ( drunk or something) :lol: man heā€™s a weirdo

I think the boos threw him. As far as I know he hasnā€™t done anything specifically against the Penguins.

ā€œFuck, I understand this in Buffalo, but what did I do to youā€?

ā€œOh yeah, just generally fucking up the game of hockey is probably enoughā€

Detroit was the best team in the league from start to finish.

As much as I hate them, Detroit deserved to win.

Datsyuk and Zetterburg are amazing. Not only are they the best offensive players on the team, but they are also the best two defensive forwards on Detroit by a mile.

They are both as close to ā€œcompleteā€ players as youā€™ll ever see.

No, a few lucky fluke goals in game 6, not the entire series. The other goals in the series were good, talented goals, but game 6 they got lucky in the aspect of the game.Detroit did dominate the series in almost every way. I was just saying it just sucks that Pittsburgh couldnā€™t force a game 7 because of a shitty start and a few lucky goals in game 6 Detroit.I really didnt think Detroit was gonna do it last night i was guessing in game 7.