Official: NHL Playoff Thread

you guys should be watching montreal/boston, easily the 2nd best series behind calgary/sj!

i agree its a good game

lets go boston !!! this game is amazing

eh, i think the avs/wild series is more entertaining than the flames/sharks series :slight_smile:

biased much? :wink:

lol what was avery doing on the 5 on 3 with his back to the play facing the goalie? i never seen that before

haha that was great rutt or what ever his name is, was like your a pussy , pussy, your a fucking bitch to paul mara. You could hear that loud and clear too lol



Boston won… in OT nice goal thats for sure

edit: ugh… Price was WAAAAYY out of place lol

devils suck and their style of play is boring

wow what a game that was

not at all cucumber man, lol

Well their boring style just got them a win!

Did anyone notice the number of jersey’s in the stands… holy fuck… everyone has a jersey in calgary!

i cant tell everything is red lol

Fuck the devils, as much as I hate the rangers I hope the Ranger take this win Brodeur is such a cock sucker

Brodeur is a cock sucker ur right, but i cant stand the Rangers

anyone watching the sharks/flames game ? theyve been going at 110% since the drop of the puck… a great game so far

HOLY SHIT 3-0 sharks in < 5 min