Official: NHL Playoff Thread

yea i dont see how some of you guys think ottawa can win their series against pittsburgh. there’s no way they’ll be able to without alfredsson and fisher. they’ve crapped the bed recently too.

and washington doesnt have enough depth to get to the finals IMO

Go Avs!

so as much as i enjoy watching montreal, did anyone else notice a few shots from behind that they got away with in that game? they are definitly the superior team in that series, but still, i hate seeing cheap shots like that, especially when they don’t call anything on them.

yea i saw that too i also notice most of the fans booing when they sang the US national anthem i didnt like that either

Didn’t watch any hockey tonight. I’ll check out the highlights tomorrow.

Boston only managed 17 shots on Price though I see. That sure isn’t putting much pressure on him.

French Canadians are the worst

Edit: Apparently Calgary wants to play the whole second period a man down

Looks like the Stars are having duck for dinner! 4 for 4 on the PP.

Everything is going to come down to special teams this year.

Whats with no HD feed for the Versus game?? Thats about the only thing they’re good for!

man calgary is getting shafted with some of these calls… the “holding” to start that whole march to the penalty box was pretty lame. that slash on thornton was pretty obvious tho lol

Give it time, he’ll prove himself :smiley:

What the FUX up with the ducks

4 vs 5, i wouldn’t really call it an upset dallas is pretty good in their own right

great games tonight tho… boston actually had me pulling for them with the underdog card, hate to see it end because of a penalty like that

+2 man dallas is crushing them. I love the ducks but their not getting it done.

pens up 2-0, and word on the street is spezza is hurt now too.


shitty officiating in this philly game.
Holy one sided refs at a home game.
I hope the refs do the same against washington .

3 shutouts in 4 games.
1st playoff shutout in his second playoff game.

:tup: to Biron getting the shutout.

Biron is tearing it up.

Huet was no sloutch either, It could have easily been 3 or 4 - 0
That was an awesome pick up for the caps.
They playsoffs are really exciting this year.

:tup: to VS for not editing/turning off the mics at ice level :lol: About the only thing they’ve done right since they started covering the NHL.

Exept for the fucking shitty announcing and not calling the game and talking about other useless bullshit.

Fucking tools