«OFFICIAL» NYSpeed End-of-the-Summer BBQ! Sunday 9/26/10 *THIS WEEKEND!*

Ya, good times. Was nice to finally meet some people in person. :tup:

I will def be attending the spring picnic!!


Great time! The twisty roads on the ride home were fun.

You missed the twisty roads on the ride there… You would have wished you had your Evo. lol. Twisty 15mph posted turns on loose gravel that we were taking at like 40 and just sliding though.

lol, The evo would have loved it. The Lexus not so much lol

My g/f kept bugging me to adopt your little one that you’re fostering haha. She wanted it sooo badly but I don’t think our house could handle three dogs and two cats.

hehe, yeah Seven is a cutie!

Had a great time. Thanks for putting this on guys!