«OFFICIAL» NYSpeed End-of-the-Summer BBQ! Sunday 9/26/10 *THIS WEEKEND!*

someone needs to text me to remind me to do this when I get home

If we don’t get 30 is it BYOBBQ?

lol, people always pay last minute. I think we’re going to end registrations next Sunday. If we don’t have 30 people, the menu might be a bit smaller.

We’ve never canceled a BBQ, especially when Mike & I are HUNGRY.

haha! i might take you up on that one!

Sounds good to me…:tup:

Yay finally registered after a 20 minute process on this POS iPhone.

^^ lol, got the payment but for some reason the reg image didn’t update. I’m sure Mike will fix that.

11 people paid so far. 'Cmon guys!

Johnnie Tran himself will also be making a guest appearance.
Come and get autographs, lol.

But how’s he going to play Starcraft 2 at a BBQ? :slight_smile:

He can use tethering to connect to the SC2 network from his net-book. Oh wait, he doesn’t have a phone.
Maybe it’s race-wars season?

I just paid + 1.

bringing my dog + our foster puppy!

can’t wait!

Working on it. We’ve got a pretty busy month of weekends for a little while, but should be able to work something out.

Just paid +1

Not sure if the list is not updating, or if people can not read. There are 16 people who have voted and there are not 16 people listed as paid.

Yeah Mike knows. The image just stopped updating.

I believe that I have fixed the registration. It is asking me to approve payments instead of checking them against the paypal gateway… I am going to have to fix the code, but it is at least updated and should be accurate. If you paid and are not on the list, please send me a message or post here so that I can investigate.

I have to confirm, but I should be able to make this with Lana. I didn’t even know about it until now, but these are always fun :tup: I will register this week if I can make it!


Is this still going to go on if we don’t get 30 people, just without food?