«OFFICIAL» NYSpeed / OSYN Track Days! [Next: Sat, Aug 22nd] LAST ONE IN '09!?

cool, thanks for letting me know


Thanks for looking after things. I’ve forwarded you the PM I sent Josh.

See you guys tomorrow! :slight_smile:


just got my E30 back and it should be good to go.


Location: Parking lot at exit 47 for the thruway. This is the exit where 490 meets the thruway on the west side. If you are coming from 490W, you park before you go through the tolls to get onto 90. If you are coming from 90W, you take exit 47, go through the tolls and then park in the lot on the other side.

Time: We are LEAVING at 8:30am ON THE DOT. Shoot to be there at 8:15am to be safe. This gives us a solid 3.5 hours to make it through customs and allow for prep time at the track. Arrive with a full tank, we wont be stopping until a station in Canada where I hope to find 93 before the gas station nearest the track.

Route: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=Port+Maitland+Rd&hl=en&geocode=FTqSkAIdblpa-w%3BFWY8jgIdGJ1B-w&mra=ls&sll=43.025232,-77.911606&sspn=0.123234,0.22934&ie=UTF8&ll=42.987572,-77.954865&spn=0.24662,0.458679&z=11[/quote]

i’m bringing all of my tents two 10x10’s and a 10x20. See you peoples at exit 47 parking lot.

now to finish the shift light and gauge install on the mini.

yeah if you cant access the online reg. just bring your signed forms and the cash…

I can’t wait for Camp Weiner v2!

Bing, If i’m running i’ll be showing up cash in hand…
But I’ll likely be there anyway

Did you finish the car ?

Do we need to bring the printed/signed last page each time, or is that just once per season?

each event would be good… i’ll have some forms to be signed.

Good deal, the link to the PDF isn’t working anymore.

going to do pads/rotors in the am.
Bleed the system.
and double check all my work.
Should be solid.

Got back from California on time. Trying desperately to fall asleep so that I can get up in time.

Again, I will be instructing. Anyone who is new do not hesitate to come ask for help. I am female with a pink helmet and will introduce myself at the drivers meeting.

sleep? BAAHHHH.

I’m just about to head out.

Anyone meeting anywhere in the morning to roll up??

finished putting the mini back together, but the brakes are feeling a little squeeeshie, so I may bleed them again when we get to the track. would love if one of you guys can give me a hand. Also if anyone has any extra ATE super blue that’d be awesome as well. my can is real low :frowning:

Im meeting Jay at his place in williamsville at 9. I can talk to him and see if we can arrange a meeting place in the morning.

I’ll look in the basement, but I’m pretty sure Dave took all of his with him to the Glen.

Trackday gooood, drive home baaaaad. Swapped out the cracked rotors for the stock ones, will post pics later. I’m going to eat a Kinder Bueno and crash out for a few hours :stuck_out_tongue:

It is just once per season, but it doesn’t hurt to sign it more than once :slight_smile:

Yeah the link changed and should have updated. I’ll re-check it.

Yep, I was very out of town! I just got home, sorry for missing your PM!

mmm Kinder Bueno! If it weren’t for you, I never would’ve seen them!

As usual, I had a great time spectating and playing with Mike’s wiener. One of these days I’ll be out there driving, I swear!