Official "People who can't drive in winter" Thread

You’re doing it wrong.



Was awoken to the wide open engine of a ford focus…stupid neighbor got stuck in three inches of snow and then signaled her husband to come dig her out by laying on the horn at 5am…what a bitch

Did she at least make you breakfast?

I don’t know if I could get a car to stay like that if you gave me a crane. Good job anonymous internet person.

Radical nose stall, brah.

saw this gem on genesee st at the east entrance to the airport. she had a choice betweens staying on genesee and using the turning lane to go to the airport, she managed to do neither.

it looks like if she had gone a couple feet in either direction she probably would have barrel rolled. the car had mexico plates on it. that’s right, MEXICO, not new mexico.

im still sitting here wondering how she managed to get the car and 3" of snow into the kitchen

^ this right here is a win !


^Incompetence aplenty.


on the 219 this morning on the way to school:

Hah, excellent game!

This was a wild one last night. Saw it on my way to a local club and was like WTF is that? From the distance I couldn’t tell it was 2 cars even. 8/

Dear god a 3500, looks like a t-bone too…rad-to-face. It’s a shame people don’t know how to drive in the winter.

I bet people are gonna hate me for being a buzzkill when it’s only September, but I stumbled upon this thread and figured I would share a story. We all know winter is coming anyway so I’m looking forward to seeing what this thread comes up with.

Anyway, last year on December 1st, the day we had that crazy snowstorm where the Thruway closed, I had to drive to Cleveland for a seminar (yeah, of all places on all days I know).

I drove down there in the morning and I was on the Thruway and just entered the Rez. The road was really slippery so I was doing about 40. I see a bunch of firetrucks, cops, and ambulances up the road. I slow down even more and as I pass them I look over and a Pontiac G6 is off the road and rolled over on its side, with the passenger side on flush the ground. I’m thinking, “Holy shit maybe 40 is too fast.”

So I drive down the road a few more miles and lo and behold on my left, passing me, is that same G6 that just rolled over. They had to be doing at least 70. The whole side of the car was smashed in. I couldn’t believe my eyes! Apparently if you roll your car on the Rez you can just take off. Didn’t seem right. lol

^They were apparently on a mission…