Official RedSox vs. Yankees 4 game series thread

When did jerking off = getting laid?

Don’t hate buddy :stuck_out_tongue:

It doesn’t :wink:

how could u gloat, the sox lost 3 out of 4

or as shitty as the sox cause they dont have much of a better record and they are the champs


the gay sox did a great job thi series… even with the yankees amazing pitching staff :roll:


runs vs. runs?

I don’t think anyone was all that spanktacular this series. Friggin homerun-a-thon

Is that what they are basing baseball on now? Overall runs in a season?

That’s the saving grace for losing 3 of 4… “we had more runs because we can fuck up a AAA pitcher like woah!!”

Nope, they are basing it on overall # of world series won in the previous season, and number of 3-0 series leads blown in the playoffs

You serious? :lol:

They are definitly the SUX right now ugh


I guess that’s about the only way Boston can win is if the Yankees choke.


lol boston looses to tampon bay!!!

should of been 4-1 but i guess the ump felt bad and reversed a clearly safe call in the 9th

uh yea, how many times has NY lost to tampa this season? :roll:

Hint, they are 3-7 against TB this year.


By half a game?


How well did first place do you last year? Or the year before? :mamoru:

Every year is different, my friend… Just like 1919 - 2003 the Red Sox DIDN’T WIN the World Series…


No world series champs, no care.

How many players from 1919-2000 are still on the yankkes (or redsox for that matter) :mamoru:

And how many of those years were you even alive?