Official: Roller Hockey Wednesday Nights - Pepsi Center

you have no fucking clue.

the end of my stick has your fucking name on it.


LOL… ok adam :slight_smile:

i hope we are on different teams.


aiight cool. when you find out, just make a post in here

hi poose.




i have a “take down aaron” plan for us. :snky:

lol… just remember beck… .i am a lot bigger than you :slight_smile: and i know where you live…

aight poose… when i find out i’ll post up :slight_smile:

but im faster than you, and have always played with guys way bigger than you. and just because you got new wheels, doesn’t make you better than me. :stuck_out_tongue:

and i know where your mom lives. and she will lead me to tommy lee. :wink:


should be a good time tonite :slight_smile: as long as my skates don’t fall apart that is…

^^ are you gonna bring your trophy with you :slight_smile: :lol:

:rofl: if it makes u feel any better i’ll get a lil nameplate made up for it that says bmw class winner, so you don’t feel left out :stuck_out_tongue:

He should, that way we can play “we are the champions” and he can skate around the rink with it over his head :wink:


and jay… yes i do want a damn name plate :slight_smile:


me, walters, and my buddy jacque are in fo sho :tup:

HAHAHAHA wahler and jacque.

oh this is gonna be hilarious

you actually coming this time? considering u said like 5 different times you’d come, and never did

Full house this week :eek:

did ya find out if your buddy’s gonna play goalie or not?

I want to play tonight, but I cant :frowning:

he was 50/50 on playing… can’t get a hold of him now…

as of now i doubt it. But if he calls me back i’ll let ya know