Official Shift Truck Thread; Woodchuck big bodiez ITT

fuck that.
build a 6x6 box. if it becomes a 4x4, it becomes a very old, pickup truck. LAME
if it stays 6x6 it stays fucking epic.

also, i began giving a fuck about this topic at this post.

This truck has 3 shifters in it,6 drive shafts and enough pto’s to make your head spin trying to figure out how everything works. Very far from a regular pick up.

and parts from a 1941 truck are not that easy to find


Sick man

how the hell does it have 6 drive shafts?
one from engine/trans to Tcase one to front axle, one to rear axle #1 from tcase, one to rear axle #2 from rear axle #1

where the hell are the other 2?

One that goes from the trans to t case. One that goes from t case to front axel. One that goes from t case to first rear axel. Then another one that goes to the first rear axel that uses it as a carrier to another drive shaft for the second rear axel. Then the one for the front pto off the t case.

Sick. Take some pics of the inside.

you sob, i wanted that thing so bad. I guess im glad you got it instead of a scrapper

Frank is it diesel?

did they even have diesel back in '41? Most of the heavy trucks Ive seen from back then have gas motors until the late '50’s.

pretty sure diesel engine was invented since the late late 1800s.

You should have bought it and used it as a daily. Epicness level would have rivaled that of the DEER CATCHER MOBILE

It’s got a straight 6 gas in it. Might swap a cummins or dare I say a Detroit in it. Feel free to swing by and check it out sometime.

cummins for sure

I would really like to put an M11 in it.

Incase it gets missed in the latest purchase thread.


needs 35’s.