didn’t u know that quik knows all?
nope i didnt even know that :blue: oh yea here somethign for you :finger:
if you dont care, then stfu. :slap:
well the topic stated discuss. and i did that its not anyones fault but yours that you cant accept reality aobut th steelers
:blah: Steelers > your life
baa baaa baa your like a sheep. just follow the herd
Black and Gold nigga! Black and Gold!
x2 as will many others.
i dont expect everyone to say that the steelers r the best team in the league or anything, but they have a very good shot at making the playoffs, w/ alittle luck. the division sits a 4-way tie at 1-1. due to injuries, cleveland will likely drop to the bottom. and no other team in the division is dominant. i think the steelers can beat the Ravens. The season is early and we have too many good things going for the team for ppl to come out and straight up say that they r pure shit in week 2.
steelers>* nuff said
yea your goinng to see me in all kinds of gear the minute they win. sorry im not that way. steelers could win or lose just like the penguins. i watch them from time to time. if there is nothing else to watch then the games will be on. no reason to devote your life to a team that wont do the same for you.
Do you even know what ass looks like in a football team or are you just a fantasy leauge player that thinks he is the know all end all for football?
fanatsy football is :greddy: and why do you care what ASS looks like in a football team. are your true homo tendeices coming forward
Welcome back G.C. Customs
all fantasy football is, is a form of betting. Betting is cool, fantasy football is cool.
:cuddle: :nuts:
all serious debate for steelers weekly games I will be posting in the on-topic forum so asscocks can stay here.
well he ask and i replied then you guys came in here saying this and that. the steelers looked like crap this season. i think we’ll lose this game it will be a close game but we will still lose. With the O line we have big ben will reinjure himself.
Read it again…