Official Superbowl thread

I haven’t read the thread.

It was a fantastic game to watch, which is the best part.

It was great to watch Eli mature as a QB over the alst couple of months, and it culminated last night. I’m truly impressed, he may actually live up to his pedigree. When strahan retires (I’m assuming), the NY D will still have an incredible pair w/Tuck & Osie. If the recieving core stays intact - and with those RBs, the Giants may be a force for a couple more years.

It would’ve been awesome to see the Pats win it, god knows how long it’ll be before You see another run @ an undefeated season - that was history “out the window”. And yes, (walter), 18-1 < 17-0, sorry Pats diehards. Still an absolutely incredible season, and I would’ve loved to see them win it all, but 16-0 with no ring doesn’t mean nearly as much as the whole sweep. Sucks.

Great game.

Oh, and I was overall quite disappointed with the commercials this year, there were maybe 5 that I really enjoyed.

good game…

[sureshot!]you’re projection your hate onto the Pats you fucking hater. the Pats are awesome![/sureshot!]



A true Bills fan would rather see the panty-waist Dolphins lose their precious legacy

That happened before I was born, so long ago I dont really care. Dolphins have sucked more than the bills the past decade.

I understand where you and most other fans are coming from… but it’s the Dolphins! Even if they haven’t been arch enemies throughout the last 8 years ( since both teams have usually been not good ), the 90s was full of HATRED. Brian Cox flipping off the Bills fans as he walked out into Rich Stadium… all of the gay Dolphin recievers. Jim Kelly running for a game winning touchdown on the last play of the game… lots of history between the teams!

I also hate listening to Shula and the rest of that undefeated team whine about the Pats cheating, etc.


The dolphins are garbage now, the pats are a division rival too. one that we havent beaten in 4 years.

It was all Gisele’s fault… she should have stayed at home.

Ugh, this is what I don’t like about fans. I’m not directing this at you Rob, but in general… it’s always the “here + now” that’s important. It’s as if heritage and history hold little relevance.

last year: “miller is god!!!”
this year: “miller is the worst goalie ever!!”

this decade: “fins are terrible who cares?”
prior decades: “good or bad, fins are our biggest rival ever!”


This years Super Bowl was incredibly backwards.

The commercials sucked
… and the game was incredible.

I was on the edge of my seat the whole game, and huge credit to the Giants. Especially the defense. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Brady’s ass on the ground that much, and seeing him throw balls WAY off mark a number of times was sweet.

I got very scared once the Giants were getting worn down and NE was starting to march good, but the Offense came up huge with that drive of theirs.

Halftime show was sick too. Tom Petty holds it down still for sure.

it’s not that we don’t care. it’s just that, that dynasty is gone. as are all of the players. Hell the game has changed a good deal since then. There will always be a rivalry between miami and us. it just isn’t worth the effort to get all pumped up and excited about two of the worst teams in the NFL battling it out to see who sucks more. I agree with getting more pissed off about not beating the pats in the past 4 years. Hell I am more pissed we didn’t beat the Cowboys this year than Norwoods wide right.

It’s a little different though when your rivalry is based on which team sucks more the past 10 years…

I understand what you guys are saying, but it’s not as though the Bills / Dolphins rivalry was only around in the Bills’ dynasty years.

I guess I’m the minority here, I’ll accept it. I just wanted the Dolphins’ stupid legacy to end.

People might hate the Dolphins franchise themselves, but that particular team just seems a lot more likeable than this one. I don’t think anyone can dispute Don Shula being more likeable than The Hoodie, and Brady just comes off as the anti-hero type. (To Peyton Manning’s good guy in this era.) No one really has beef with Bob Griese. Throw in spygate, and a lot of people just hate their entire roster, guy 1 through 53.

pffft, go back to hockey you fuggin leafs fan.

couple of valid points in there :tup:

I just have to say that I find the blind hatred of the team as ridiculous. They were the best team in the history of the league, by the numbers. Blah Blah Spygate. All teams cheat as far as they can. Was it shitty? Yea. Is it unprecedented in the league? Pffft, right.


The current players don’t even care anymore. Its just another division game to them. Beating NE is a huge deal now.

As I already said.

christ, you better make a thread with a shitload of pics you SOB. haha.

I should have posted all my pics from the Probowl last year. THAT was a good time.