Official Superbowl thread

god I still can’t believe the giants did this.

And with this win, I’m bringing home $440 from a pool at work. oh yeah!

nice! alms for the poor!!! LOL!

50" flatscreen here.

I am the poor one! haha

that’s awesome. what kind?

i didnt read any of this thread

but :tup: to the giants, everyone SHAT all over manning this season, and tiki barber called him out in september saying he wasnt a leader after he retired, faggot

being undefeated n glorious doesnt mean shit if you cant win it in the end

great game

well i won the dollar back that i bet last year, the bet was that the sabres would win the stanley cup. so i am happy

don’t even know. actually won’t be getting the TV. Too big for our house so she is giving it to her father.

kenny mayne is great

Congrats to the Giants, well played against a good team…way to shut them down

God damit!

had the giants gone for the 2 pt conversion at the end (which would have made sense, since it would have forced the pat’s to go for a TD rather than a field goal to win), i would have been $1000 richer…since my numbers were 4 for the pats and 8 for the giants.

makes no sense. go for it and miss, then a field goal makes you lose. they played it right. NE needed a field goal to force OT. Always take the sure point if it’s your option. As is the case for NE not kicking a field goal and going for it instead. game would have been very different then.

I was actually at the Superbowl tonight. Chuck Liddell was sitting about 10 seats away from me, which I thought was pretty neat.

I’m still debating whether or not I should make a thread elaborating upon my trip when I get home.

the giants would have been retarded to go for 2.

this had to be the biggest upset for everyone, i personally didnt care who won, i would have liked to see the patriots bring it in for the perfect season, but damn, it was nice to see the giants take it away from them, just like that. if anyone deserved to win it was def ny.

Both the game and the halftime show, too. Honestly, it’s the first time I’ve actually turned UP the volume during the halftime show. (Most years its muted, if I didn’t turn the channel)

The play where Manning had three guys holding onto his jersey, and the subsequent catch made by Tyree was unbelievable. One hand holding the ball onto his helmet and he manages to come down with it.

The Giants defense did a great job too, up until the 4th quarter when they started to show signs of fatigue. (Anybody else think the Giants “injuries” during that time were an intentional tactic to give the defense a bit of a breather?) I was thinking that was when the Pats were going to start to roll over them and start racking up the points, but the Giants came back with that great drive to score the winning touchdown. Great job on keeping the pressure on Brady and not allow him to make the big passes to Moss.

Im sooooo glad the pats lost, I hate brady and basically the whole pats team. Maybe Im just a sore loser bills fan. Eli is cool though, and it was cool to see his bro all excited for him in the stands.

Doh :frowning:


cant wait to see him at 6 Flags this summer!!!

I was surprised they played 4 songs. I didn’t mind at all, that old hoot can still jam pretty well. I’m surprised he remembered the lyrics considering his age and recreational drug use :pimp:

I wonder how many 18 year olds said “who is this old fart, where is ashlee simpson”