Official Superbowl thread

walter whats the matter? your awfully quiet tonight? hahahahahahaha :tup: :tup:

Yeah no kidding.

Not arguing, just confused at what you think I’m crying about?

True, but he doesn’t need to be in there stroking their egos. I guess we can agree on a middle ground.

ok so thank you bills for letting the giants win to get into the playoffs… and tell me everybody saw the lip synced national anthem… u could tell a mile away that it was

if i had lost the biggest game of my life knowing that i fuck up i would not need a fucking coach ripping me a new ass hole, i would fucking walk out! i would give the finger and fucking walk out i don’t care if i sat the bench the next season.

No, but I did see Gisele. She’s not as hot as Heidi Klum imo. The facts:

wait a minute, why the fuck can’t you type like this all the time? i can actually read what you wrote, for possibly the first time ever

You’re crying that poor Bill is being wronged…

and also the R8 was awesome and david tyree’s helmet catch

i try to but sometimes my head gets a head of my hands. the mouse busting out of the hole and kicking the guys ass made me LOL. same with the bud light flying one

No. As I said, I personally don’t like Bill as it is. I hate how he treated Cleveland way back in the day ( Browns are my #2 team ).

I also know that when you are on top, you get the most attention, and the most jealousy is directed at you. Furthermore everyone will do whatever it takes to cut you down.

Sure he could have been out there and lifted Manning up on his shoulders and blown the giants whole D-Line, but he didn’t. He was pissed, gave the obligatory hug and walked off.

i think the was swearing instead for huging and the game was not over. he is a dickhead!

This is similiar to why no one chastizes mark mcguire and everyone wants barry bonds’s head on a platter. If you are a dick people will pick you apart, if you are a classy player/coach people will have sympathy for you.


True, but like I said originally… I’m not convinced they were so classless by leaving the field when everyone rushed the field.

You’re wrong about Mark McGuire. First two HOF ballots, he got 25% of the vote.

But I agree, If you are a dickhead, you will be hated, plain and simple.

What a game, Giants played amazing! i still am in shock

haha, back to normal i see. what the fuck does that even mean?

sorry what i mean to say is that bill (not me) is a dickhead with no class. he during the “hug” was probably swearing at the giant’s headcoach.

i HIGHLY doubt that. really. why would he do that? there are people with cameras and tape recorders everywhere. what an asinine suggestion.

sorry i guess i was a little off base with that comment.
ot:i guess i am half banned because for some reason i can post quick replys but i can not post topics.?.?.?