Official Superbowl thread

He was told the game wasnt over but left anyway… He left half of his team on the field alone. He has no class and it was shown tonight. I was expecting the pats to win like most everyone else and when they didnt he ran off to cry.

i mean bill lol sorry


It’s easy to find fault in those who you already detest:ham:

what a great game.


i agree, bill Belichick is classless and a sore fuckin loser. What head coach leaves his team on the field to run into the locker room alone after they lose the superbowl. Thats when your team needs you more than ever and you basically abandon them.

that is what u get from cheaters

Word, plus in the post game interview he came off like a pouty little bitch.

Trust me i hate eli more but billy boy acts like a stuck up little kid and the interview after was proof.

Look, I don’t like the guy either, ever since he fucked over Cleveland, but somethings are not as big a deal as all the haters make them out to be

edit: i did not see the post game conference

edit2: the r8 was hott. must i comment again about this?

bill is a fucing red-neck i swear by it

billy hotdog, shutup for a second. go play with some legos or tree branches or something

Agrees the r8 and the commercial were secksy. and after it wasnt a conference it was just an interview and he acted like a grumpy bitch… I understand he just lost the superbowl but its is place to say something about his team. Right now everyone in that locker room hats him for doing what he did.

I’m sure he isn’t in the locker room offering words of wisdom, telling the team they did great despite the loss or giving the old “we’ll get them next year”. He is more than likely screaming his head off and making everyone feel that much worse.

i was gone for a week so u had your time off from me. now i’m back so if you don’t like it :newman:

And what if he is? These are grown men, they don’t need to be coddled.

The one I feel sorry for is Junior Seau. Get’s spanked by the 49’ers in '94 and has a sure thing in '08 but fell short…

Tissues on isle 6, Adam. Boo-fucking-hoo.

He signed a 1 day contract with SD, had the team roll out the red carpet for his retirement this summer, then changed his mind a week later. fuck him.

Who needs that? They know they fucked up.

Upon hearing this new data, fuck him indeed!