Official: To the _____ thread.

i saw the guard out there on his cell phone about 20-35 mins after the crash. The bike and rider i didnt see anywhere, but hopefully the cameras got his plate etc.

damnit you already posted espo…I was wondering if this is where you get your random FS crap from

my thoughts exactly, i couldnt do it however i’d keep practicing b4 i put on shows if i were them

So there were three awesome “to the _____ who ______” threads on the first page of OT. So I consolidated them to one official thread. Given the overlapping posting times, it has become a single clusterfuck of posts. Yet somehow I don’t think any quality has been lost?

So yeah, if you want to bitch to us about some random person who cut you off or whatever, do it in here. Don’t start a new thread.


All of gen auto is about cars, you might as well combine that into one thread too. :rolljerk:

:repost: you already did that you silly goose


Oh fucking hell. I’m going to give myself a violation for the repost.

now with the merge, entire thread should be deleted IMO


as much as I hate these pointless “To the:” threads, they serve their purpose. And, it’s OT.

lol so I take it you guys like what I did here?


ahem. sorry. cough.
