oh hi

Im stealing your interwebz:dunno:

We got some of our shit to the new place, Marge of coarse cant fucking wait till we either get a uhaul or another truck.

So i fire up the laptop, bam, open wireless access point. Free internets till the comcast guy comes tomorow.:hsdance:

Oh, anyone want to come fix the truck while at work? Theres an electrical short somewhere in the dash and my headlights like to just shut off and on.:doh: This is the first time ive driven the thing in a while since its my dads and he only uses it for hauling. I still wonder how this passed inspection.

screw comcast and keep the free web

signal is low and this place has concrete floors so, its going to suck. Rather have my own shit and not risk getting kicked off. Theres another protected WAP, to lazy to try to get a cracker for it

where can you get crackers for them


I thought i smelled something in the north hills today,congrats and get moved in