Oh Noes

on the GP or Neon? cuz its def not easier to pull the motor to get to the bearings on the neon.

temporary fix. i knew it wasnt going to be fixed the right way…

when i put the new bearings in i did notice a SLIGHT bit of play in #4 cylinder…
sounds 50X better than it did, and i can get back and forth to work.

nothing i can do about that unless i can get SLIGHTLY oversized bearings… still has a slight tick. oh well… maybe if i get around to it i’ll see if i can get a slightly oversized bearing for that cylinder… im not worried about it, like i said im building another motor…

only thing im going to miss until new motor is done is fishing… :frowning: since i dont want to take the car out more than needed… mainly just useing it for back and forth to work…