OH the best thing I have heard in the office today!!!

Tech support here explaining to a customer what there password is:

and he is going on like "A as in apple, six, one, ‘Q’…no no ‘Q’, no m’am a ‘Q’ as in ‘cue ball’ "

HOLY F’in shit

this is what i have to hear everyday…and the kid cant go 2 sentences without using the word ‘basically’

durrr durrrr

gotta love it!!

and he starts at 11am and his boss was just like “how ya doin” he responds “im tired”…you piece of shit!

Cant wait till I move across the building!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

that’s funny… ‘basically’ he’s a douchebag… and q as in quizno’s works better than cue ball… being that’s a C and all :rolleyes:


I cant believe you think that way of Whitey!

haha, it wasnt whitey!

it was our buddy T-Rex

no actually a buddy per say

more like a co-worker

q as in quit your job

to the other guy that is

T-REX? do tell…

I hate people that say ‘basically’ every other word. Theres some psychology term for that but I cant htink of it… bah! annoying

dude walks around with his arms tucked to his side with his hand by his chest… real funny

Just one hand by his chest? Napoleon?

If it’s two hands, does it look like Monty Burns?


hog-tie him and gang fuck him in the bathroom. He’ll never want to go through the humiliation of having everyone know that his cornhole was reamed out by multiple guys against his will, and he’ll get the message to pick a new carreer.

how about just using the phonetic alphabet…q = quebec

and you have the nerve to call me a sick fuck. :love:

means to an end my brother. means to an end.