Oh yea

well um i figured i would open this and there would be a picture of a cat , but ummmm, i guess welcome to the club

i wish :frowning:

my buddy got in trouble once tho as she walked past his desk, he acted like he was fingering her, she turned around and saw him. I almost died laughin


OMG…thats some funny stuff…sounds liek some shit that I would have done back when i used to be an ass

Congrats. Pics of said recipient of HBI? :naughty:

used to? ???

haha ya, he got 3 days in school for that, i got 3 nites DT for laughin so much


haha…I guess at the ripe age of 26 I could see myself doing it today…well only if I was dared…hahaha

im still a “V”

ha ha my health teacher was hot tig-ol-bittys and her daughter was a grade higher then me and the biggest slut in school it was funny and ironic as hell lol speaking of getting pussy im doing good on my last new years resolution just 4 days to go and ill have been celebate for a year!!!

dumb dumb dumb dumb… duuuuuuuuuumb!!!

What, the whole thread or just fico’s response? :smiley:

prolly me lol im just wierd like that lol

hhahah…the whole thread…

fico, thats your deal dude… but what provoked you to become celebate??

im 20 shes 19 . big tits lol ha dont know not aloud 2 touch the boobies just the puss

:wtf: That’s like playing baseball and running from first to third!


Well if she’s going to be like that maby you should slip her the “shocker” then…