Oh yea


just for the hell of it see if i could do it and my ex broke up wiht me one year and 7 days ago today (and you think thats wierd that i remember its not hard when it was 5 days before christmass)

pics of her or :ban:


this is gonna get interesting

Was she shaved? Did she smell like fish? Are u sure u hit the right hole? Are u sure she was a virgin? What coclor shirt were u wearing at the time of this alledged incodent? Was at ur house or hers or a public restroom? Did she cry at the end and wonder y she did it? Did u cry at the end n wonder y u did it? Did u cry at the end because u accidently stuck it in a shemale? See…these are al lthings we have to know if u are going to post this type of stuff man,as well as pictures.becasue without pictures it basically neevr happened n technically u are still a virgin…


still waiting for pics…

Find one of ur rolls of fat n take a pic,it is basically the same concept

I think this kind of rapid fire questioning for statement validity/tripping up a potential liar only works in-person!?!


What is Be_Rad playing motorboat?

Be_rad is a motorboatin son of a bitch


i seriously think i would have killed myself if I was still a virgin at 20. And thank goodness my 19 year old doesn’t come with a “no touching of the boobies” clause.


camel toe kolesar :puke:


please tell me expected a fresh prince picture somewhere in this thread :hs:

I say it’s all :bsflag:

It was bs. Just wanted to see what you guys would say. But honestly Im gay. I hope i dont get kicked off the site. But i like cars and men. Sites kool. Thanks and sorry. Any single gays pm me !!!

my name is mac… me and silverws-6 like anal… can we MEAT up :dunno: cause that would be fantstic… i like it in the :asshole